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Snail attack


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I added 25 snails to my tank yesterday. before that the only clean up crew was 3 hermits and a conch.

A couple hours after the lights were out i spot lit my tank to see how the snails were adjusting and if they were grazing.

The conch had one of the Astreas against the glass and was enveloping its shell. the conch seemed to be constricting itself to suck the snail out.

This morning 5 of the 25 snails are simple empty shells lying on the sand.

is it normal for conchs to act that way?!


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I have never had a conch go predatory on snails before. It is usually my larger hermit crabs who will take out the weaker snails or those that find themselves upside down. Even having seen what you did, I would still place the blame on the crabs for some of the snail death.

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Just curious ... what type of conch is it?

Im not sure what species of conch it is. i got it from aqua-tek. its body is a very dark blue/black covered in white speckles, looks alot like a starry sky.

I did see one of the hermits messing with the snails when i put them in, but he is very small.

I am sure that the conch was eating one of the astreas, the only thing i will never know is if it was dead when it did so.

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Several yrs. ago we thought we got a fighting conch and instead it was a whelk (predator to snails. Personally, I've never seen a reef safe conch attacking other snails or eating them, except that whelk we got by mistake.


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Just for closure.

I took my "Conch" which some of you met at the meeting back to aqua-tek. Indeed the associate i spoke with confirmed that around the same time i had purchased it they had gotten in a "bad batch" of what they thought were conchies but were in actuality some species of predatory whelk.

so the carnivorous conch, the man-eating mullosk, the wicked whelk has been replaced with some turbos. all is well.

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