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Aptasia in my cheato


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I just noticed what looks to be an aptasia anenome in the new ball of cheato I got from R2G a few days ago. Will it spread from my fuge to the DT or is it safe to leave it in the fuge? I'll post a pic when it comes back out (I poked it with the handle of a fish net to make sure of what it was).

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It will absolutely spread. I would get it out ASAP. It may not make it to you DT if you have fish or shrimp that eat them but they definitely spread and the longer it is in your tank the more potential you will eventually have them in your DT.

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I have Aiptasia in my cheetos in the fuge as well. And ONLY in my fuge. I do have a couple peppermint shrimp in the DT though, so they may be keeping it in check. But I've never ever ever seen an aiptasia in my DT. I let them live in the fuge as an extra filter feeder. Also, they have been in the fuge for well over a year and its not like a huge explosion of them. Just a dozen or so maybe.

Diffrent strokes ya know.

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if it is attached to the chaeto, I would just remove those few strands. you can separate, spreadout the ball of Chaeto and get to and break off those strands... I wouldn't mess with the AptasiaX, just get it out of the tank completely. Sometimes AptasiaX works, sometimes it doesn't and sometimes they send off spores to start new Aptasia when stressed... I would just simple remove it or them and be rid of the problem. You will want to watch the ball for the next several weeks to see if you missed any or any new ones pop up.

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+1 that it will spread.

+1 on the Peppermint Shrimp. At this point, it may be advisable to add a couple peppermint shrimp as preventative maintenance, if you decide on keeping the chaeto ball. A well-seasoned reefer once told me that Peppermint Shrimp will only eat small aiptasia, and that may be something to consider...

+1 on aiptasia being detritivores/nutrient export. They are-- after all-- anemones. I've seen some huge ones engulf pieces of food before. So, in that sense, they are good at

nutrient export, but beyond that, a nuisance.

It was pehaps irresponsible of the vendor to not inform you of their STI. (Saltwater-transmitted infestation). Either way, happy reefing!

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I would throw it out if there was someplace local to get any. I have to freakin' order cheato. How sad is that? And then what I order has aptasia in it. Sadder still. I ordered another ball from R2G with some more pods since the shipping was free. I'll have to see what unknown horrors it's got in it this time.

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