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46 gallon bow w/soft and lps corals mostly.

Eel Keeper

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What kind of setup would you recommend for me. I have soft corals, lps corals, a few nps corals, and a few sps corals. It's a 46 gal bow front, so it's not your typical rectangular tank. As far a color, I don't care. I just was the most growth. Thanks.

Edited by Eel Keeper
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  • 2 weeks later...

What kind of setup would you recommend for me. I have soft corals, lps corals, a few nps corals, and a few sps corals. It's a 46 gal bow front, so it's not your typical rectangular tank. As far a color, I don't care. I just was the most growth. Thanks.

Hi Eel. I would recommend a 36" 14000K fixture on your tank. 90 degree beam angle :-)


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  • 4 weeks later...

Beam angles.....Something I wondered about after my first BMLED purchase. Can your lights be used at a full 180 degree downward angle (completely face down towards the water) 3" off surface? or is that discouraged? If so can it damage coral? I'm maybe 2 months into using my BMLED lights and have had 0 problems so far but is positioned with no angle, directly facing the water. Feedback from a pro-in-the-know is appreciated.

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Beam angles.....Something I wondered about after my first BMLED purchase. Can your lights be used at a full 180 degree downward angle (completely face down towards the water) 3" off surface? or is that discouraged? If so can it damage coral? I'm maybe 2 months into using my BMLED lights and have had 0 problems so far but is positioned with no angle, directly facing the water. Feedback from a pro-in-the-know is appreciated.

Hmm, I use my BML lights almost as you describe and have no problems. In fact I have seen tremendous growth in some corals (sympodium being one) that wasn't growing at all under MH. I would have to look back, but my fixtures are at least 6 months old.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Beam angles.....Something I wondered about after my first BMLED purchase. Can your lights be used at a full 180 degree downward angle (completely face down towards the water) 3" off surface? or is that discouraged? If so can it damage coral? I'm maybe 2 months into using my BMLED lights and have had 0 problems so far but is positioned with no angle, directly facing the water. Feedback from a pro-in-the-know is appreciated.

You should be fine, as that is a normal mounting option.


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