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Time to enjoy


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After two months of trials and tribulations, I am ready for a "good time" and so it will be. This afternoon after 3PM we will celebrate at Bear Creek. Since I did not get the winterization kit in time, we will celebrate good times,

"Laissez la bonne temps roulee".

Yesterday, I received a care package from Best Stop Cajun Meat Market, 100 lbs of Cajun ethnic food. I will be smoking a turkey and a pork roast for a main dish. Smoked boudain will be on the grill all day as a finger food as well as cracklings and Cajun Pate (hog head cheese).

Come out to Bear Creek and enjoy the day. Ejammers will be picken and grinning as amateur and professional musicians jam.

Festivities begin after 3PM and last until breakfast the next day.

We will have a bodacious time.


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