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10 gal tank


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girlfriends guppy had second set of babies and I need a 10 gallon tank to put the new ones in (58) and get them separate from the other babies which are about 6 weeks old and almost big enough to eat the youngsters. Got rid of the daddy and thought that was it....but noooooooo she was already bred and had these yesterday. Any help would be appreciated. I will only use it till they are big enough to give to the LFS then that's it for guppies in her future. A test gone bad....she is now working on her first nano (7gal) salt with zoas and a small shrimp and goby and all is running great. A loan or small price would be appreciated.Thanks...

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thanks everyone, got to Petco and they didn't have any 10's left so got a 20g and another air pump, total $28. All good, thanks Subsea, you were right...by the way, they told me in Cedar Park that the 5 1/2 and 10 were on sale too???

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