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Working on a SW tank for CHS (Newbie)


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Lots of people love blennies due to their personalities. One of my favorites is the Tail Spot Blenny (Ecsenius stigmatura). A lot of people like Midas Blennies (Ecsenius midas), but they need a bigger tank.

If you get a watchman goby, a fun thing is to pair it with a pistol shrimp, like the Tiger Pistol/Snapping Shrimp (Alpheus bellulus). The symbiosis between a pistol shrimp and a watchman goby is an awesome and entertaining thing to watch.


I like Firefish, and if you get a mated pair you can have two (two of the same sex will fight), but they're jumpers meaning you need a cover to keep them from carpet surfing.

I never had a Pincushion Urchin. My wife and I loved our small Blue Tuxedo Urchins (Mespilia globulus), because they pick things up and wear them.

Here's pictures of my Peacock Tail Shrimp (Periclimenes brevicarpalis) associating with Maxi-Mini Carpet Anemones (Stichodactlya tapetum).


My Porcelain Rock Crab who always came out during feeding waving its fans.


A Porcelain Anemone Crab (P. maculatus I think).


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Talked to my momma. Gonna order some full spectrum dimmable LED lights on the 15th.

For stocking, I think I have a good-ish list now:


Watchman Goby

Pistol Shrimp

Blue Tuxedo Urchin

A snail or two

Maybe a crab

Would adding the crab be too much? Or is that a good stocking list? With acquiring lights, I SHOULD be able to keep some soft coral, right? I was looking at something easy, some Zoas maybe. And an anemone for my clownie. Who has already been pre-named Marlin by a friend lol

As for the 30 gallon tank, I was hoping I could do some sort of predator fish setup. Is it possible to keep a dwarf lionfish in a tank such as that? I think a lionfish would draw a ton of attention from the students. Or could I maybe get a Moray Eel? Do those get too big for a 30 gallon? The footprint of the 30 is 12" x 48". Only 12" deep. Pretty shallow but I think it has a lot of potential considering its on a nice black stand with a cabinet, and at the front of the room

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Looks like I'll finally be able to get something done tomorrow! Thanks to Grim for donating a ton of dry rock to the cause! I'm extremely excited. I just went by and picked up the bag o' rock today, and rinsed/scrubbed each piece down with hot hot hot freshwater. Taking it up to the school tomorrow. Some of these pieces are beautiful.. At least to me :P I'm super excited.


The whole lot :)


These are my favorite ones :D

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Wow that is quite a selection. You really lucked out that's a big expense out of the way.

know! I am so grateful for the help have been getting. I'm super excited to get to start doing some minor aquascaping tomorrow morning. Just not looking forward to hauling this bunch across the parking lot and up the stairs :P

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I graduated from Connally High School in 2011. Since then I've been gong back every day during the school year to manage and take care of over 100 freshwater fish in over 20 aquariums, including a pond out back that we built.

OH BOY! I remember Mr. McVicker Dragging us outside to dig that pond when it was crazy hot, lol. I went back about year ago to look at the pond but it was filled with pea gravel!

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Haha yup! We've spent a TON of time getting it finally up and running. We got the solar panels up and the filter system. Moved one of our foot long Plecos in there with the huge Goldie's. Its really amazing. I'll get some pictures tomorrow :) glad to see another CHS alumni here!

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Looks like there's a possibility I might be given a ocellaris Clown tomorrow. Seeing as the tank isn't set up with substrate or rock yet.. I suppose I'll have to get the QT tank together. I'm sure the filters have at least some bacteria on them, so I can use one of the filters from the 20 that has been running with doses of rotting food. And put it on the 10 gallon QT. No substrate or rocks. He might be in there just a few hours till I get the sand and rocks in then let it settle.. Or if things take too ping he will be in the QT for a bit longer. Which is fine considering I would like to QT all new additions anyways

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