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Mandarin Goby


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So if I wipe down with my magnet the front of the tank and the clownfish go crazy eating all the copepods does that mean I can get a mandarin now?

I seeded the tank about a month ago, and now I have those tigerpods in the tank, I can see them in the glass but don't know how big of a concentration I need.

It's a 150tall with 200lbs of rock


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If your getting copepod kits I would highly suggest setting up a 5 gallon bucket w/ airline and breed the copepods seperately. This way you can guanentee a backup if the mandarin eats all the pods before they can reproduce quick enough.

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tied twice with this fish after my tank had past the 3 year mark and in both instances i couldnt get either one to eat prepared food and they literaly demolished my pod population within 6 months and both eventually starved, you have a big enough tank though that you may be able to keep one pretty healthy but i would at least get some macro in your sump and wait till at least the one year mark, but JMO

Edited by kingjames420
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I'm lucky the one I had given to me eats prepared foods and I have a healthy mysid shrimp population in my tank. But my tank is a year old also now.... I'm kinda scared to move her to the new 75 I'm upgrading everything to and upsetting the balance

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I would wait. I've had Mandarins before and they have a good appetite. The reason that you see so many pods is because you don't have any predators in the tank yet. Once you add one, you will see a change almost overnight. If you really wanted to buy a pod kit every month then you could add a goby, but I probably wouldn't.

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When I started my 190 I added both my mandarins 2 weeks after I started it and they were fine until I broke down my tank I think your good to have at least 1 you can always add another later just make sure it's a female

And I didn't use any live rock all dry

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