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150g Indio-Pacific Biome

Sascha D.

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I LOVE my YEK. I took a lot of time finding a Very Fat, Very blue one instead of the typical reddish more bristletooth looking version (I know I should know where this version comes from but I don't). It has a great swimming style with some speed, but not as fast and aggressive a motion as a powder.

It takes a second for non-reefers to notice it, but once they do it tours them around the tank the way any tang should, while complimenting the more subtle colors of the tank with its' blue and yellow contrast while it goes.

A flame angel is on deck to be added which I hope provides the pop of a yellow tang without being so common of a fish. I do love the yellow, it is without a doubt the most amazing single colored fish in the ocean. But, it's "just" a yellow tang non the less. I feel like the Yellow Eye posses a diversity in color one is ab;e to find one that is unique, it's a bristletooth so it doesn't need the space a powder or super large tang would, and is not known for being agressive.

Tangs IMO are the quintessentail reef fish, so there isn't a bad choice provided they have space and nutrition. I like that you're looking for something "different"; we seem to have simillar reefing style.

Lights are out at the moment or I would try and snap a shot, but essentially cross a purple tang with a typical reddish bristletooth and you have my YEK; I would think he is between 2-3 or maybe 4 years old at time of purchase. Seems to be adpating to tank life well.

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Thanks Nvr! It sounds like an amazing tang. The books that I have read say the Hawaiian species has spots on its face and stripes on its body, while the Indian Ocean species has only spots. I've heard only good things about both.

I had been trying the various local fish stores in town, but they don't my tangs on the list. I have also been logging into liveaquaria every day this week, but very few of the tangs I want are in stock. I would like to introduce them at the same time if possible.

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Liveaquaria.com has really bee trolling me for the past two weeks! One of my fish comes in stock, then it gets sold and then a different fish comes in stock! It's like they know and they're going to make me suffer!

Petco.com is having a nice sale. Almost all of their live fish are on sale and the prices are very tempting. They have nearly everything in stock. Except, of course, the one fish that I really want. noexpression.gif

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Progress on the fish front! We only want one yellow fish and we narrowed it down to the Yellow Tang and the One Spot Foxface. My wife and I talked about it for quite some time and decided the fox was the best fish for us. I've been keeping an eye on one at Niko's that they have had for a few months. I also picked up a pair of Oscellaris Clownfish, as an added bonus! No tank is complete without at least one clown and these are fantastic fish.

Eat whatever you want little fishy!


So here is my list is starting to shape into:

Current Stock

Melanurus Wrasse 3-28-15

Leopard Wrasse 4-4-15

Royal Gramma 4-4-15

Lubbock's Wrasse 4-12-15

Pencil Wrasse 4-12-15

One Spot Foxface 5-5-15

Oscellaris Clowns 5-5-15

Possible Future Stock

Lavender Tang

Convict Tang

Yellow Eye Kole Tang


Dwarf Angel

Christmas Wrasse

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Yesterday I came home to a cloudy tank. No problem, let's investigate! The weir teeth and drain line were getting a little covered in GHA. No problem, let's get those things cleaned up! Oh man this would be the perfect time to replace that mesh with something a little wider so it doesn't get clogged again. Eh, I'll do it tomorrow...

About midnight I wake up to Crrrshhhhhhh. It would like the loudest SPA that you've ever heard! Oh great, a pump broke and my living room is covered it water. I go downstairs and nothing. I check the overflow, all good here. I open the stand and this noise is super loud. What the heck? I close the return line by 25% and it gets quieter. Definitely the drain line. I grab a wrench, grab a towel, and take the drain line off. I look inside the line and it's all clear. What the heck? I stick my finger up into the bulk head and PLOP. A turbo snail crawled, for all it's snaily, worth down the drain pipe and got stuck. Lesson learned.

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Haha I was in full zombie mode. The snail hit the water and I was like problem solved, back to bed. yawn.gif Snails cause so many problems. I only have two and one got stuck in the overflow so I probably only have one now.

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My experiment with 1 TDS is not going well! I thought it would be okay until 5 TDS, but the GHA is growing crazy fast!

BRS...that shipping is almost more than the DI resin itself! I'm going to have to stop by the LFS this weekend before I make a new batch of RODI. I'll change my PO4 media and see if I can get it in check.

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Week 96 Update:

That Foxface has been doing a number on the algae in the tank. There is a reason that they call them rabbitfish and it's not the one you're thinking of! Okay, well maybe that too but I'm not going to find out. All of the corals that were added last month appear to be doing well. None have lost any color and all of them have their polyps extended. I've been removing bubble algae every week and I feel like I'm getting somewhere. Some still pop up in random places, but I believe that is due to spores that were already there.

I think I am all decided on removing the refugium and installing a BP reactor. I haven't had a dark sump in about 10 years but I would like to give BP a try. I've weighed the benefits and the side effects and I think it's a good move for my tank. Now I just have to find one!

So what's next?

  • ATO - Yes I still have an ATO sitting in my stand waiting to be installed!
  • BP Reactor - First I have to remove the refugium and clean the inside of the sump. After that I can relocate the CaRx and the reactors to the middle chamber. I may have to move the plumbing, but I'll have to do some measuring. I will also have to decide what to do with about 20 pounds of live rock. I can dry it out and use it later as base rock or I can sell it. I really don't want any more rock in the display.
  • Bubble Algae - Keep taking it out!
  • Lights - I'm going to play with my lights a bit and possible go back down to two fixtures. The higher par may be feeding the algae more than I would like.

I'm planning a trip out of town one of these days. What do you guys think about turning the lights off while I'm away? Darkness doesn't help GHA or Valonia much, but it might do some good.

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Just get a small tuxedo urchin, an emerald crab, a bleeny and a tang and call it a day. If you really want a CUC order 1 online there are some really good deals on them

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I'm back from my weekend trip. It looks like the tank survived! Always a good thing right? I went completely dark Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The tank glass was covered in bacteria and pods on Monday. The water was crystal clear after a quick Mag scrub and the algae has been significantly reduced. I'm happy with the result.

I had tried to take a picture but it's not turning out very well. I'll try and get one tonight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's going to be a busy weekend!


  • Frag Station - I've decided to remove the refugium and use that area as a frag station until I can get a frag tank. That means I have to evict the LR and take the macro to the LFS. After that I have to take a look at the plumbing and make sure that I can mount a light above the frag station.
  • BPs! I plan on installing the biopellet reactor in the first chamber with the protein skimmer. To do that I have to relocate the CaRx to where it used to be outside of the sump. I like to have all of my equipment inside of the sump in case of leaks but I don't think I can fit everything in there for the time being. I haven't decided on a reactor yet but I'd like to get ahead of the game.
  • Electrical...Ughh! That about sums it up. I will very likely have to move the electrical to the back of the tank, which I was trying to avoid, but I don't see a way around it anymore. I wish I were fancy and not afraid of electricity, but I am because it hurts! If I were then I would build a box for all of the electrical, but I'm not so I'll do the best I can and mount the relay box to the back of the center brace. I could mount it to the front of the center brace but I would have to rework the manifold.


Woohooo corals coming in this weekend! Dan was nice enough to allow others to jump on his Aqua SD order AND Aqua SD has a Memorial Day sale going on. Double score! Here's what I ordered

Acropora - Bali Green Slimer

Acropora - Blue Efflo

Acropora - Heavenly (Looks like a Blinding Tenius)

Acropora - Special Shortcake (Looks like a Strawberry Shortcake with blue base instead of green?)

Millepora - Yellow

Millepora - Dark Knight (purple with purple polyps)

Chalice - Australian Pink Dino

Torch - Golden (Red Stem)

Favia - Rainbow Soul

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Great weekend so far! I just got back from my buddy Ty's house, he has a tank in case you didn't know. The set-up looked great as always. Now I'm motivated to get some work done.

The first thing is to update the controller interface. I need to add a second PH probe and change the sump light timer to match the display. On this picture you can see the pH expansion that I added.

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

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PVC frag rack...let's do it!

I want to build a rack that fits a specific area, so I measured it out and bought materials. I was going for 1/2" but ended up going 3/4" because the half inch felt small.

4 caps

4 90° angels

4' pipe

Light diffuser to fit

Total price $8


To measure the cross bar, I put the angles on the crate and measured in between.


After the measurement, add the amount that goes into the angle. In this case it was almost half an inch.


Cross bars cut and ready for legs.


Cross bars and legs assembled. I added the caps because I don't want anything living in the PVC. I also don't want detrius to acuminate in the tubes.



I measured to fit and didn't want any over hang. The crate fit right on top and I used a square to make it even. Zip ties were used to attach the top to the structure. These aren't exterior zips so they won't last as long but they will still be good for years.



The next step is installation.

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

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