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How to add new anemone


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if that is a true LTA then, it looks like you have crushed coral in your picture, LTA will almost always bury their foot in the sand and that is where they are happiest, i have had my LTA for over 4 1/2 years now and have never seem him once try to attach to a rock and stay their, they prefer to bury their foot into the sand in between a rock and the sand, and if you read up on them almost 90% of what you read says they require a fine sand bed, prefrably deep. You are also right about the lighting too cause mine took awhile too adjust to my halides, and they do not like extreme amounts of flow either, mine would move every time, the cool part about LTA's is that when they finally find a place in the sand that they like they will not move for a looong time if at all, when mine moves is always in the sand so i dont have to worry about him stinging anything high up. I just recently went bare bottom in my tank for a better nutrient control, and i have had my LTA so long that i didnt want to get rid of him, so i built him an acylic box with sand and decorated rubble around it and he is happy

Edited by kingjames420
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