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Do RBTA bud, or only split?


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Came home today to find a very small piece of RBTA hiding behind some zoas. The chunk is maybe the size of a quarter. It looks like it has some sort of mouth/foot. Pics are after I moved it so it deflated.


None of the BTAs look like they've been through a powerhead or are missing a chunk.

Daddy clown was trying to pick it up and put it in his RBTA for safe keeping.



I took it away from him and put it in a breeder net to see what happens.

I thought that BTA's normally split into 2 semi-equal parts, not break off tiny anemones.

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Good question! I learned a long time ago to be very cautious about saying something can't happen. laugh.png BTA's can split into three and once I have seen a big difference in size between clones if that helps any. hmm.png

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Nice looking clown!!!

Thanks! I love my goldbar maroons. That is the male who is about 2" long. The female is closer to 5" or so.

Good question! I learned a long time ago to be very cautious about saying something can't happen. laugh.png BTA's can split into three and once I have seen a big difference in size between clones if that helps any. hmm.png

I'm just surprised by the size of this "baby" since all of my anemones are so big. Every time I've seen a split in the past its always a little more equal.

Maybe I have a pico anemone machine on my hands.

$10 nickel sized anemones! Great for the kids.

It seems to have attached in the breeder net. I'll put some rocks in there with it and see if I can get it attached to a rock before I get rid of it.

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. . . Maybe I have a pico anemone machine on my hands. $10 nickel sized anemones! Great for the kids. . .

laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png Sometime last year there was a thread about BTA's and how often they split and it was observed some clone lines seem to stay smaller and split more often so maybe your right!

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Mine have split numerous times over the years and almost never split into equal sizes. I can almost always tell the "momma" from the "clone" by the size, as the clones are the small ones. Twice I've had momma throw two small clones. I've never seen one "bud", always split, but you never know.

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Ok, pardon the crappy pic (camera phone + flashlight + area of my glass I cannot scrape) but here is the anemone.


You can see the foot above the head with a little nub branching off of it. Although it is had to tell this IS NOT the edge of his foot. The foot is fully attached to the rock an the nub is about 1/4-1/2" from the edge of the foot and it has very very tiny pink tentacles (not fully visible in this pic as it is pointed at the back glass)

Never seen anything like it. (And I have 7 rbta)

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I've experienced regular splitting before, this is just bizarre because of the large size of my BTA's.

I always thought they had to split somewhat across the mouth, which is why you end up with similar (or even 1/3-1/4) sized clones.

Either way this is neat to see. Tiny clone up for sale soon!

Capt; That's neat. I'd like to see its progress if you can get other shots over the next day(s)?

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