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75G Jaubert Plenum on top with 30G Mud/Macro filter on bottom


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  • 3 weeks later...

Pandina was collected on ARC collection trip to cost 18 months ago. It did not do much under 250W MH at 14K. Six months ago, I

swiched to 12K reef spectrum from BML. It is at the surface on an eductor nozzle. It is 3" below LED with a 500 PAR. I removed some leaves and secured with rubberband to rock rubble.





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It is the second time today that I move the Sea Apple. I think that the apple is tickling the clam with its feathers.

In only two days time, I have noticed an expansion in area of Brown Scroll Algae exposed to the light. With the use of LED lighting, different spectrum LED have not had a chance to mix and diffuse spectrum in top of tank. As I have pulled starts from parent colony, sprigs that were shaded took off at an accelerated rate. Sprigs that were secured and placed on the bottom opened up and gracefully floated next to Sea Apple.





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  • 2 weeks later...

he's trying to find that clam.

He doesn't know what to eat. He now enjoys mai mai soaked in garlic juice. I am going to the store and buy some oysters still in the shell. I will eat this expensive treat here at the house. Then the tangs and monos can gorge and fatten up.

I recently had a revelation with nutrient recycling. None of my tanks in the house showed nitrate on test kits. During this time interval, a 20G tank heavy in Caulerpa Paspadoides went sexual. The stems had doubled in size and were oozing white stringy paste into water column. I have never seen the event. Only the aftermath which ocurred during second phase of cycle with my present 135G lagoon tank, I used 1000W MH and quadupled maco growth in one week. The water in the display tank was sparkling clean as I went to bed. In the morning, I could not see the back of the tank with all lights on.

This morning, when I awoke at 5AM I noted that return pump from refugium to display tank was sucking air. I opened isolation valve to float valve and allowed makeup from 60 psi constant pressure ground water well to meter into 30G refugium. Then I made my first cup of coffee. As I was drinking this coffee and awaking to my few senses I realized that the make up water noise had not abated and I looked over to doors open on refugium. Oh ****. Salt water was pouring out of 200W LED with all blue lights on. As I walked toward isolation valve in master bathroom, I walked barefooted into a puddle of saltwater. Remember, salt wqater poured out of fixture for 30 minutes after I turned isolation valve off. I threw dry towels behind the tank and formed a perimeter of dry towels around the tank on the wood floors. Since all lights were still working, I sat backi down in my dry chair and drank my second and third cup of coffee as I planned my day.

Lights are outside next to work shop air compressor drying out. Tank inhabitants were not disturbed as there water was not appreciable altered. In fact, my tank has "never looked better". Since beginning intense UV sterilization, all cyno is gone and I have very little film algae which previously required cleaning glass twice a day if I wanted quality pictures.

Yesterday, while looking for detrivores as laignappe for a customer in Round Rock, I was rewarded with finding a robust population of micro starfish. I will photography them later after I get my tutorial at the sat meeting. Here is a link to these guys. Just hit the vidio link on the website.



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