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dwarf lionfish


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MY girlfriend have been wanting to get a fuzzy dwarf, has anyone on here had experience with them? Anyone recommend them or recommend not getting one? I have a 55 gallon tank with mostly sps. I have 2 chromis and 2 clowns currently. I don't mind if it eats my peppermint shrimp I actually prefer he does but I'm not sure about the corals.

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I had to baby sit my brother's once and it ate my firefish. The firefish was a bit longer than the lion so when I found them the firefish was barely sticking out of his mouth. This all happened pretty quickly after introducing the lion fish.

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  • 2 months later...

I've got a fuzzy dwarf (named Fuzzy, of course), and he's in a 29G with a spotted hawk, a blue damsel, snowflake eel and a purple lobster. Yeah, it's a little small for all that, but I was assured when I got him he'd be fine there.

He's been a model citizen (so far), and has been punked by the damsel and the eel without any real reaction other than swimming away. He follows me around and I swear he wags his tail like a dog. I adore him smile.png

I got him in the beginning of June, and *just* this week, he started eating something other than live ghost shrimp. First it was blackworms, and today he ate frozen bloodworms. (Pretty sure I clapped and said "good boy, Fuzzy!" when he did it.) He's really an awesome little fish, and he'll ultimately be the reason I get yet another tank so he can grow to his full fuzzy potential.


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Fuzzies are pretty cool! They're known shrimp eaters and will eat any fish that fit into their mouths. They can be trained to take silvers from tongs or a stick. They won't bother any corals, but need live rock to perch around. Mine stayed upside down most of the day. Fu Man Chu lions are also really cute. My personal favorite!

Edited by Sascha D.
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I had two of these guys some years ago. If you feed them ghost shrimp, make sure to gut-feed the shrimp something nutritious before you feed the fish. Ghost shrimp don't have a lot to them and it would be great for the fuzzies to get more out of their meals. Many die from malnutrition - not starvation. I learned this the hard way... My guys ate wonderfully, but we fed them ghost shrimp right out of the bag. They did great for a while and then they just died... The fish acted normally and the tank parameters were fine. When I asked around, I was told that the fish weren't getting the nutrition they needed from just the ghost shrimp. Unfortunately, I was never able to get them trained on frozen. I hope you are able to get yours to eat frozen. smile.png Good luck! They are fun and lovely fish!

I have included a photo of one of my original fuzzy dwarves. I miss them SO much.


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Aw man i've been wanting these for a long time but heard they would clear out all my fish. So what is good nutrition for these guys anyway besides shrimp?  Goldfish?

Fw fish don't have enough nutrition. If it was me I'd do Molly's that have been in sw for at least 6 weeks feeding on macro. You could raise them in another tank to always have live replacements that are already sw stable and nutritious

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4

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Awesome I'm setting up a 65 this weekend, since it will probably be moved in a few months to its permanent location it will most likely be fish only (famous last words) and te fuzzy will be its first inhabitant when it is cycled! Victoria, did you do something to convince it to eat blood worms or did it just do it?

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Other than mollies what else do they eat?  Now really thinking about getting one.....

Anything live. But you need to feed them marine fish as few and land animals won't have enough nutrition

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4

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Awesome I'm setting up a 65 this weekend, since it will probably be moved in a few months to its permanent location it will most likely be fish only (famous last words) and te fuzzy will be its first inhabitant when it is cycled! Victoria, did you do something to convince it to eat blood worms or did it just do it?

Ooo - cool!

Fuzzy just started eating bloodworms on his own. To be honest, I'm a super lazy reef keeper ... I tried using a feeding stick to get him to eat something other than live ghost shrimp, but he wouldn't do it. Greg and Renee over on lionfishlair have a great how-to on getting all of the stingy guys onto frozen, but again- I'm lazy. So I just set up a ghost shrimp tank and buy like 20 at a time.

Then one day, I was feeding his tankmates live black worms and he hit a few. So after a day or two of that, he started eating frozen bloodworms. I do soak 'em in Selcon, but I don't know if he cares or not. He still eats the ghost shrimp, but I'm thrilled he's broadening his palate a bit :)

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