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I've had my harlequin for a couple of weeks now, and haven't noticed a decline in my asterina population. I've hand fed him half of a large one a couple of times and he does eat it, but I can't tell if he's eating any others

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Depending on tank size, so long as you keep more than one type of star, if not more in the tank it'll have time to heal in between snacks. My advice would be to QT your starfish (even an intank QT or Acclimation box) and then let the harley go nuts. I've never seen my harlequin bother my serpent star though. You have to give it a little time, imagine each starfish as a meal for the day. And honestly, youd be amazed at how many asterinas your tank REALLY has, vs what you can see. Additionally, harlequins are absolutely beautiful shrimp..

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