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Next Level H2O


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My tank is doing very good now. I am no longer chasing alk/ca numbers with my calcium reactor.

I did a very through cleaning every week during February of my sump and display sand.

I dosed some lanthanum chloride and it's really helped beat the algae back. I am going back to vodka dosing as I found this worked the best.

Last nights project involved removing my floating canopy.

I've decided that with a rimless tank it just closed it off too much for my taste.

I now have 3 BML strips so I will just have them hanging off 2 pipes that I'm painting black and will be secured to my concrete stand top.

I need to contact BML and see how much it'll cost to replace the acrylic strip since it cracked in half from being so brittle.

I hope to have the pipes in and lights hung tonight so stay tuned.



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Here is the final product. I really like it. Much closer to the tank but not in the way when I need to feed and can be slid back if I need to do anything major in the tank.

Still waiting on getting my last BML strip back that had a cracked lens so hopefully I get it tonight.

I also need to cover the old holes and repaint.



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  • 2 months later...

Everything is doing great. I am still slacking on the sides of my stand.

My calcium reactor is finally dialed in. I'm dosing 6mL of vodka daily so I can feed my fish all I want. I am currently having an issue with my skimmer. It's making a loud whining noise but thankfully BRS had the impeller I needed for $30 where everyone else has it for $100.

I want to get 1 more BML strip. I'm hoping to pick up a 20k XB in June since it's suppose to replicate 20k metal halide. I have just enough room for 1 more strip on my new light setup.

I think after the BML that'll be it for equipment and fish for me.

With C4 around the corner I am looking forward to buying a bunch of frags.

Here's a quick vid of feeding time.

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What's the bright yellow item that looks to be in the center of the tank? Looks crazy bright

Neon Green Nepthea.

Sorry it looks yellow but its hard to correct colors with LEDs so since it was a fish video I tried my best to match them.

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  • 6 months later...

It's unfortunately been a while since my last post but better late than never.

I am currently running only a skimmer which I empty out weekly and 5mL of Vodka. I still have not finished my tank stand sides but it at least has painted brown boards set up.

Anyone else taking forever to finish up little projects?

Here is a FTS as of today


I have a lot of SPS now but they just don't have the colors I want. I have began a 20% weekly water change so hopefully that'll color them up in a month.

Its either lack of nutrients or too much light so I'm going the nutrient route since Ty blasts his with 400w MH



I'm not sure what happened with my rock but the BRS tonga shelf piece has broken apart on me.

Anyone else experience this?


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  • 1 year later...

It's been a while since I posted anything on my build and I promise I will get some updated pictures but I just wanted to let you guys know that I am starting a new build and hopefully it'll have much more frequent updated.



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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...

So tank is still on cruise control since I'm still working on my upgrade build. Corals are doing phenomenal and no fish deaths in probably a year or longer. I've tried to limit new corals and fish but I couldn't pass up a yellow tang Ty had available. I did notice a huge cluster of mushrooms that made it over to my large rock column and made themselves at home.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

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