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Receiving lrg red haddoni !! Need acclimation tips


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I been In hobby for last 7 years and have kept several bubble tips over the years ...my current tank is 72x33x27 lightly stocked with anthias wrasses and couple clowns and couple tangs ....

Few Sps Lps and softies rock work is mainly on right side of the tank and got an open area on left side giving my fishes open water to swim ...I just purchased a lrg haddoni last night which I might receive it next week ....

Need acclimation tips please how to deal with this big animal

I am running 3x400 watts of halides( old school ) and have roughly about 4" deep sand bed

Tank is been running since last April ...

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How large is large?

Tank sounds perfect but you run a pretty high risk of losing everything but the clowns. You technically have a high risk of losing those if they don't bond with the nem.

Long drip acclimation, like 3 hours. You will probably want to acclimate in a container that can be completely placed in the tank so aren't transporting it through the air. I believe most people turn the flow way down and make a depression in the sand. I would make the depression far in advance so you don't stir up a bunch of crap right as you add it. Make sure you use full arm gloves if there's any chance of it brushing your arm. These guys are insanely sticky. Carefully place the anemone foot side down in the hole and hope it attaches where you want it to.

I know there's a bunch of people on reef central that have been keeping them for a long time. It might be worth looking up a thread there to see if there's any major don't or do's in acclimating and getting it settled. I'm sure there are some but I haven't seen many local keepers with these guys.

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Here he is in my tank ...he is beast I mean big and beautiful ...his foot is almost like a small dinner plate ..

Also he's for his mouth a little open too dnt know why ....his foot is planted and expanding very well




12 k 400 watts halides



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Day 6th

Anemone's mouth seems a bit getting tighter .....no feeding yet halides runs for about 6 hours a day ...I been increasing half hour every day until I reach 10 hours a day ..

Pic from this morning

Excuse my aiptasias ...lol

With couple blue and purple t5


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