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Let's make a Controller, and other fun uses for Arduino

Capt. Obvious

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Just found this topic. I am interested, as I have some downtime. Here are my current skills I can offer:

  • Basic electronics (circuits, soldering, battery building, etc.)
  • Manufacturing Materials and Processes
  • Data Modeling
  • VBA, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, C++, Basic Shell Scripting, etc.
  • Mechanical Drafting (AutoCad, Solidworks, Pro/E)
Edited by absolut_racer
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Just found this topic. I am interested, as I have some downtime. Here are my current skills I can offer:

  • Basic electronics (circuits, soldering, battery building, etc.)
  • Manufacturing Materials and Processes
  • Data Modeling
  • VBA, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, C++, Basic Shell Scripting, etc.
  • Mechanical Drafting (AutoCad, Solidworks, Pro/E)

Awesome, I could use the help...and code cleanup :D

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Capt, I’ve been trying to plan ahead with my future arduino build and wanted to run a few things by you before I order more parts.

Current Parts:

Funduino Mega 2560

Temp DS18B20

Time Clock DS1307

Male/Female Jumper Wires

Are you familiar with 4 Route MOSFET Button IRF540 V2.0+ MOSFET Switch Module? I was told that I can add this to the arduino to function in place of mean wells for my leds. My goal is to be able to program a sunrise-sunset program and to be able to control 3 series of (12) 3w leds independently @700ma.

What do you think of this 16 pin lcd? http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-2004-204-20X4-Character-LCD-Module-Display-For-Arduino-/350560713502?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item519f0bfb1e

Other ideas:

Ph Probe

Temp/heater control program

Wireless access


Alert commands

Good place for code: http://reefprojects.com/wiki/Code

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Stephen, are your meanwells the -D type or the -p type?

The Lcd is a standard 16 line module, looks pretty good, there are some that come with 4 buttons, which helps for navigation

Some of this would be better to discuss via PM/phone as we can get into more detail

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This appears to be what is known as the NFET(MOSFET) + NPN(resistor) (+ sometimes a Zener diode) method... From what I can tell from the video. It would work and is very cheap to make...however the downside is that it is fairly inefficient (wastes power)

If you do get meanwells, get the P flavor

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Let me clarify that efficiency statement : for maximum efficiency, you should configure your LED string so that it is as close to the power supply voltage as possible. Other wise power is dispensated through resistance (aka heat)

So I would need to keep the controller and power source as close proximity to the led strands as possible? I am thinking about building my controller in my led fixture and having the lcd screen/buttons on the outside.

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I don't know if you are aware that there is actually controller made on the base of arduino, it is Reef Angel. I am using this controller and I am very happy with it. It is run based on the open source software and covers all possible gizmos you can imagine in the reef tank. It is constantly improving and expanding, also is relatively cheap comparing to other controllers on the market. Check out the website and forum and you will find a lot of help even if you plan on making it by yourself. http://www.reefangel.com/

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AWESOME!! I am ordering all of my stuff very very soon!

Focus on school make this a reward for midterm to buy then semester to build?

I agree.. I just easily get wrapped up in things like this. I will be along for the ride, but I will hold off on ordering one.... for now.. spiteful.gif

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