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Wanting to get a camera


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I would stay away from 3rd party lenses on Canon.. Simply because they make a superior lens, but you do pay for what you get. Also.. Look for image Stabilization in the lens if you are looking at a long lens or macro lens.. Canon does not do this in body.

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I would stay away from 3rd party lenses on Canon.. Simply because they make a superior lens, but you do pay for what you get. Also.. Look for image Stabilization in the lens if you are looking at a long lens or macro lens.. Canon does not do this in body.<br />

<br /><br /><br />Hmm interesting. Nikon has more lens available and everyone that says get a Nikon also likes the 3rd party lens. But if I get what I pay for the Nikon is 200 more but would accept more lens and be better with 3rd party.
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yeah but nikon can use the 3rd part lenses and people are liking them and actually a few recommended some. But it seems like canon, everyone poo poo's 3rd party lenses so I guess its finally coming down to what feels good in my hands. If the nikon feels good then I might grab it because of the fact that I can use 3rd party lenses and not be stuck with paying top dollar for lenses or getting crap.

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after all this si my first DSLR and I'm not a photographer, not like I would know any better from one picture to the next. Plus reviews still hold the nikon slightly out front, but it is slightly more $$ which I guess you get what you pay for!

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Go to precision camera... They have more options..

+1. They can help a heck of a lot more than best buy in that they will be able to make a much more appropriate suggestion based on experience as well as a better selection.

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The Canon lenses are backwards compatible. I can't say anything about Nikon on that subject since I do not shoot with them and just don't know them. Canon vs Nikon.. You'll get a million different responses. Both are great cameras, but the way they function are different and the way they feel are different. try them both out and see what feels good in your hand. Canon is the only company that makes their own lenses and are a bit more pricey, but people will argue that they are way better quality when talking about the Pro lenses (L class Canon).

BE CAREFUL where you purchase your Canon camera. There are a lot of counterfeits out there. If purchasing on Amazon, make sure it is from a reputable shop. B&H is a great place out of New York. I would never purchase one on Ebay.. You can also check out CL..

There is a lot of good deals on there for cameras and lenses.

Edit.. Thanks Rob

I know I'm late but. . .

I own a Nikon. I have since 1973. All my lenses are backwards compatible except my fisheye lens. Also Nikon makes it own optical glass and lenses.


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so I guess I shouldnt even ask you nikon or canon lol!

The few salesmen I talked to so far have said I shouldnt bother getting the 5200 if this is my first camera and that the D5100 would work beyond my needs for sure. so now I'm going back between the t4i and the 5100 which the 5100 is slightly cheaper and more lens are compatible.

Dave, can you give input on 3rd party lens? :)

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Your *real* investment is in the lenses. Since you are just starting, you can probably pick up a used body of one of the entry level models for cheap. As you get better, you'll want to upgrade the body.<br /><br />My first DSLR was a Nikon D40 when it had already been on the market for at least 3 years. I took some awesome pics with it. When I wanted to start taking HD video is when I swapped out the body to a D5100.

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I'll just leave this here..


Canon wins here: most everything you can buy from Canon from professional cameras and lenses all the way down to point-and-shoots are made at home in Japan. Only Canon's very cheapest stuff is offshored, and then to Taiwan, which has a very high standard. The only Chinese items from Canon seem to be the occasional printed manual.

Nikon on the other hand offshores everything it can. It makes only a few flagship products in Japan, and offshores most of its gear to Thailand, and the other half is all made in China. For instance all of Nikon's professional 50mm f/1.4 and f/1.8 lenses are made in China!

Nikon does NOT make their own glass... Sorry Dave..

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I played with Brian Srocks D5100 today when I was at his house drilling another tank.

After the development of this thread, talking to salesmen, reading reviews online and comparing one to the next I'm starting to really favor the nikon D5100. When I originally posted I was about 2 clicks away from purchasing the T4i on amazon prime, but I'm glad I bumped the thread and got all this input.

I'd rather stick with a new camera body over used, just like to know how the equipment has been treated and where it was acquired from. Plus the D5100 was cheaper last I checked compared to the T4i

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Think one of the main things to consider which didn't even play into the reason you bought this one but we thought about it after the fact is the t4i has a touchscreen and this doesn't but who likes using a touchscreen the size of a post it with their fat fingers?

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Remeber it's a DX & not FX. FX being full frame. DX having a crop factor of 1.5X. Meaning the sensors are 1.5x smaller than film, they show an area equivalent to the area shown by a lens 1.5x as long on 35mm film.

Here is a link explaining DX Format Cameras.

The only advice I can give right now is take as many pics as you can & Play with the settings. Automatic is ok but, you can be alot more precise if you learn all the controls.

Happy shooting.


P.S. As Jake indicated if you have any questions just ask.

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Think one of the main things to consider which didn't even play into the reason you bought this one but we thought about it after the fact is the t4i has a touchscreen and this doesn't but who likes using a touchscreen the size of a post it with their fat fingers?

I don't have fat fingers.. :P

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