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The new tank is up and running


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Gabriel and Craig got the tank up and running last night, and it's gorgeous. I'll post pics in a bit. Because the new water was so cold, my livestock is still in a rubbermaid tub. What's the best way to acclimate at this point? I was thinking about using some small tubing to run tank water into the tub slowly, and every so often dip water out of the rubbermaid tub. Could I put that water into the tank, or just pour it out?

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I would make sure that the water is the same temp first. We checked salinity last night and it was fine. If the temp is good I personally would just move them. Others maybe more cautious and the method you described would work. And you could use the water from the rubbermaid to replace what is going out of the tank.

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I would make sure that the water is the same temp first. We checked salinity last night and it was fine. If the temp is good I personally would just move them. Others maybe more cautious and the method you described would work. And you could use the water from the rubbermaid to replace what is going out of the tank.

Well, it's got about 2 more degrees to warm up first. And the skimmer is working perfectly today. I have no idea what I did, I just "fiddled" with some of the knobs and it started working. Right now I'm working with the round red "outside faucet" looking knob to get it just right. Believe it or not, it's actually about half full of nasty looking skimmate. How could that be, maybe from the live sand?

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And Thank You and Craig (and Teri and Dylan) for setting it up for me. Without you guys, it literally wouldn't have happened. I can't wait to get all the livestock in and settled a bit so I can get some decent pics to post.

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OK, folks, pics are in the gallery! The tank is not quite 24 hours old, and the time I took these I'd just put the fish in and they were hiding. It's been about 2 hours and they're starting to swim around ejoying the extra room. The sea apple didn't like where I put it and promptly headed back down to the ground, but it was eating the entire way.

I never did find the little neon goby, I guess he was a fatality. But if that's all I lost I'm in good shape. I did do some internet research on the skimmer - it stops bubbling when you've had your hands in there because of the oils, etc.

And sure enough, it stopped bubbling when I started addind the remaining rocks and livestock. I unplugged it and I'll start it up again later. But when it was working, it was pulling out some nasty stuff. I think you can see it in the pics.

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Tank looks good Karen, but I think you gang valve (red Handle) is closed to much and you are actually pulling water mixed with junk into your skimmer. You need to open the valve up a little more so that you aren't pulling so much water and you are only pulling the foam. This was the same problem I had with my skimmer on my 180 when I first set it up.

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Looks good. Sorry I missed it. I am glad it went smoothly.

I couldn't find the pic with this valve you speak of.

We missed you, James. I was interesting to watch the experts at work, and it all went amazingly smooth. Only one trip to Home Depot!

There should be a pic in the gallery of all the equip, and you can see the 2 red valves.

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I ditched work for 3 days, but I have a part time job I need to spend some time on tomorrow. Did you end up going with the pulverized limestone? I went with live sand instead. I just couldn't get the limestone clean, and what I had just looked like mud. You should have seen the look on Gabriel's face when he saw it. :( So I ran down to the big chain store and bought every bit of live sand they had (65lbs). It was the perfect amount and it looks great.

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Yeah I went with the limestock (100 pounds). It is still cloudy but I am not running a skimmer or the drain for that matter so I am hoping once I can get the water going through the sump along with the filter sock and skimmer it will get rid of the cloud. I am actually pretty happy with the look of the limestone other than the cloud.

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I am not sure. I still have a bag of it left I should take a picture of. Mine is pretty white with black specs. Kind of salt and pepper looking. It actually reminds me of kitty litter. :( Anyway it is much better than the play sand I was using. Just cloudy as can be right now though.

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