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Fish husbandry issues


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lulz. well, the clownfish and the firefish seem to be acclimating to eachother, with less chasing action. But as seems to be the case sometimes, when it rains it pours. My cleaner shrimp kicked the bucket. Water tests show nothing abnormal, so it seems that the clownfish may have redirected their aggression at the shrimp. Ungh.


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The story of how I got a 2nd firefish:

bio3 came over to pick up a firefish and some live rock from another tank breakdown. Had the firefish in a breeder net. I was making a comment about how the firefish was a jumper when I was catching him in the old tank, and he shot out of the breeder net into my tank. And that friends, is how i got a second firefish, because i wasn't about to tear my tank up to pull him out. I'll get him one of these days chris :)


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LOL man that was just too perfect and so worth watching! I got home and my GF ran over excited asking to see the new ish, all I could do was sit and laugh while I unloaded rock into the holding tank. finally explained it to her and she is now laughing.

Great night, couldnt have been better seeing him jump in then not get bullied at all by those "mean" clowns of yours :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

and he's out. down to just the purple firefish and the clown pair. After another escape from the breeder net, I lucked out and caught him in a hand net. Currently everything is going along swimmingly. thanks much to etannert for her fish suggestion, it was the correct one.

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