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Live food for seahorses


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Anyone have live food for seahorses (adult brine or mysis)?

I've been getting them at a lfs but they didn't get any new ones in this week. I'm now out. I've been trying to find all the amphipods I can in the refugium, but I'm running out of those too. I've got some bbs I'm growing out, but right now they are so tiny that the seahorses just ignore them. 'Course its also my luck that its labor day weekend and overnight shipping won't get here til Wednesday at the earliest.

Can anyone help?

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I don't know if it would work for your seahorses, but I catch mosquito larvae and feed them to my fish. The fish go nuts over them...

Where do I find those?

I'll have to do some research and make sure they are safe for the horses . . .

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Teresa, you and your girls come visit Myles and I. I have all pods you will ever need.

With respect to an amphipods incubator, I recommend using a 5G bucket with a ball of seaweed with numerous pods. Use an air pump to move water and a clip on Home Depot refugium bulb.


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I think that the mosquito larvae would be safe. However, I doubt that they would be nutritious enough long term. Anyplace with standing water will have mosquitoes. It is a drought, you may have to look hard for the water.

Keep the faith,


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Looks like I'll be heading down south sometime tomorrow. Patrick I'll let you know if I make it that far. I've got a good friend that's only in town for one day, but of course I can't let my seahorses starve either ...

The pods I got from you before are all thriving in the back of my cardiff, just not populating fast enough to sustain the horses.

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"Pods not populating enough to sustain horses". Sustain is a relative term. I suspect that your horses are "fat and sassy" with your nurturing help.

Bring your friend and I will cook for you'll.

La bonne temps roulee,


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Thank you everyone for the help! I don't know why I didn't think of calling Aquadome earlier. Being up North, I always forget about it - or more likely, my subconscious was trying to save me from spending money ;). My horses are still alive and will continue to be thanks to all of you and I'm excited to go check out Aquadome later today!

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