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macro lighting


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I am using blue & white LED (660W in 135G lagoon). This combination produces 12K kevin color temperature. I have several decorative macroalgaes growing on the bottom of this lagoon theme tank. Originally, I pushed this tank with a 1000W MH at 6500K. Macroalgae growth was exceptionally fast in this sceanario. However, I had an unexplained maco crash with several of the fastest growing Caulerpaes. At this time, under 12K kevin lighting colors, I have good macro growth with nice color and texture contrast.

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Subsea Ive put some of that red macro that you gave me in a tank with a 12k and actinic bulb, and it lives but just doesnt seem to want to grow. I believe its just the lighting that it doesnt really like that much? It doesnt seem to be a problem in my fuge and sump with those 51k bulbs, both are full of macro right now. When using the blue and white leds, how do you know what kelvin it is?? All they say are blue and either cool or warm white when you buy them.

Woods i love the dragons breath! That stuff is filling up most of my sump right now. I just cut it up and have tons of pieces of it now :D I just bought some shaving brush plants to see how they will do. Im really getting into this macro :)

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Timfish said it best, daylight noon at 5100KI plus blue sky at actinic equals 12K. I can not measure color temperature. Only my eyes and previous experience determines color temperature for me.

The Red Kelp which I had did not respond well to any of my lighting sceanarios and it eventually dissolved away.


This is my favorite Calurpae. Even though the articles indicates that it is slightly palpable, I could not keep enough of this macro for my drawf angels who devoured it. I find it attractive in a display tank setting.


I will attempt to cultivate this Feather Calurpae. I think that this is a good candidate for display or refugiums.


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You dont have the red stuff anymore Patrick? The red tang heaven macro is slow growing, the other red one i got from you is quicker than that one and will turn a dark orange color if i have intense enough light on it. Its been doing pretty good for me, although those two are not as quick growing as the prolifera, which i also have, or the dragons breath. Sometimes i think those two can grow inches a day. At one point in time i had a few very small chunks of feather calurpa but something in my tank ate it, i havent tried the prolifera as i dont want it to possibly take over the dt. I want to get a bigger tank as the fuge and turn it into some type of sea grass bed maybe with some NPS gorgonia or something neat looking. I have a cute little baby cowfish down in my fuge right now that makes it alot more interesting, saw some pretty pipefish at the dome today that i would prob put down there too if i can find a good tank to upgrade to :)

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I do not have the Red Kelp anymore. I have some different red macro that I can not identify.


Gracilaria Tikvahiae

Gracilaria Parvispora is known as Red Ogo or Tang Heaven Red"

These are the two Red Gracilarias that you got from me. I am glad they are still growing for you.


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