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Vitamins for your fish??


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Iv been reading about supplementing your fish's food to get a diverse amount of nutrients, but i was wondering if it was beneficial at all to buy a Liquid supplement, (like vita chem n such) or if its just some more bull sh*T to get a careful reefers money, anyway let me know as i continue to look into this. a>

Edited by Bender
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It depends. When I target feed my anemones I soak the silversides in Selcon beforehand. For those creatures that eat seldom, it's not expensive, and in my thinking it can't hurt.

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Every so often I'll try a product but end up stopping as I don't see any difference. My tank is not your tank though so go ahead and try it. As long as you follow the manufacturer's instructuions you shouldn't be hurting anything.

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