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What to put in my new tank... PICTURE UPDATE! Feeding Video!


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I'm wanting to go with a predator setup in my new 29Gal Biocube.. Anyone have any suggestions?

Octopus, Mantis, Angler/Frog fish.. Eel would have to be a small one...


I've got a little zebra eel for sale that would be great for your tank. Zebra eels will only eat your inverts and not your fish, mine ate all inverts in the tank except a coral banded shrimp. Eels are really fun, especially to feed em.


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I'm wanting to go with a predator setup in my new 29Gal Biocube.. Anyone have any suggestions?

Octopus, Mantis, Angler/Frog fish.. Eel would have to be a small one...


I've got a little zebra eel for sale that would be great for your tank. Zebra eels will only eat your inverts and not your fish, mine ate all inverts in the tank except a coral banded shrimp. Eels are really fun, especially to feed em.

That eel will outgrow this tank... I'd rather something I will not have to re-home later.

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If you are up to it, an octopus would be awesome. Are there any that can be happy in a 29g? Octopi are smart, would be very cool to have one in the house.

Eels would be my second choice. Interesting behaviors to observe, which would be my negative on a mantis. Mantis are not bad critters, just not visible and showy. They hide a lot. You have to work to observe them.

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Think a mantis will crack the glass?

I think the mantis vs. glass stories are a bit overblown. One it is species dependent, and two, why would it smack the glass? Mine rarely strikes. I'd be comfortable hand feeding it. So I don't think it will break the glass.

Want to avoid the issue 100%? Get a spearing mantis.

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If you want to look for a specific mantis, here is a great site with a comprehensive listing of species and their availablity for aquaria, etc. Good reference IMO. http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/arthropoda/crustacea/malacostraca/eumalacostraca/royslist/index.html#directory

The mantis I have is this species: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/arthropoda/crustacea/malacostraca/eumalacostraca/royslist/species.php?name=n_wennerae

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Thought you wanted a blue ring octopus? I like my yellow banded brittle sea star. Gallery of Pets has two green brittle stars for cheap.

yeah.. decided against it with the 1.5yr old in the house..

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Octopus bore easily, and need a fair amount of mental stimulation, otherwise they turn their attention to scheming on an escape. They are capable of learning tasks however, so you can do something fun like give them their food (do a lot of research on diet, as high fat feeder fish, and even some crustaceans shorten their already dismal lifespan) in a jar for them to open.

My main concern with octopus is their lifespan is just short in captivity (and the wild...), even with proper care: an average of 1-2 years...

Also, some of the cooler species are nocturnal.

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hrmm... what about a frog fish... with a dwarf eel?

I have a frog fish and love it. If you don't want something that hides though, it might not be a good option. It's like playing where's waldo all day. Mine at least, changes the exact color of whatever it's on and hides up in the rock structure. I love it, except when it stays on the back of the rocks for days. Sometimes I'm looking strait at it and don't see it for a minute, pretty cool. But not if you want something active and that you can watch. I don't know if I just have a shy one, that's just my experience.

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Thought you wanted a blue ring octopus? I like my yellow banded brittle sea star. Gallery of Pets has two green brittle stars for cheap.

Here's a video of Green Brittle Star's eating. They're sociable enough you can hand feed them.

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