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George Monnat Jr

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As many of you know, I added a couple of tiny Mini Carpet Anemones (MCAs) a few days ago. The bigger one stayed on the rock where I put it and still looks great, but the smaller one crawled down to the substrate (flourescing under bottom right orange arrow).


Yesterday I received a half-dozen Peppermint Shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni I guess, from Port A jetties) from Bio³. He's the second person from ARC that I've met, and I have to say ARC is batting 1.000 so far.

I acclimated them for almost two hours and added them to my DT.


The biggest Peppermint Shrimp landed in the front near the tiny MCA mentioned above. The big peppermint's long antenna must have inadvertantly brushed the sticky MCA, because next thing my wife and I knew the big shrimp was dancing around and moon-walking/scuttling with a little anemone waving about on the end of its antenna! It was like a pom pom crab except the shrimp was not acting happy at all.

These pictures aren't the best, but you can see the balled up MCA on the bottom under a rock - about four rocks away from where it started. In the first picture you can see my Tiger Pistol Shrimp (big red antenna on the right) checking out the hubbub and a curious Sexy Shrimp (white and orange near MCA ball). In the second picture, the Sexy is checking out the MCA. It didn't try to climb in - it's too small even for a Sexy wink.png



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