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Did the Lagoon Crash or No Big Deal.


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This morning when I woke up and went into the computer room I noticed that the tank was so cloudy that you could not see thru it. Everything was just fine last night except I noticed that some green feather calupra runners were turning white. A sign that the plant is getting ready to go sexual. Everything in the tank seemed alright, fish swimming inverts and corals opened maybe not as large as normal, but alright. It is widely suggested to do massive water changes when this happens to remove the spores that have been released into the water by the plants. Also, literature states that most if not all the NO3 and PO4 will be re-released back into the water which the plant had absorbed while still alive. I removed the dead parts of the algae and did a water test. No NO3, PO4 less than .25 and Ph down a little to 8.0. In other words even thought the tank looked terrible it was actually alright except for the water color. No water change required here. No Big Deal. Learn the Biology and Chemistry and your halfway there to becoming a rocket scientist.


As the morning is going along all of the featherdusters and rock anenomes seem like they are actively feeding. I wonder if there is any nutritonal value in calurepa spores.



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I am not sure I understand it going sexual because it is pushed too hard. I have a 1000W MH above my 135G lagoon with a 16 hour lighs on. I am pushing the tank hard. The Feather Calurpa which I have grows exceptioally fast. The older sections decay and designegrate as food for the mollies, but the new stuff is growing rampart. I have put some sprigs of it in the two 10G lagoon giveaway tanks.


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I have alot more algae in my tank and it's only 40 gals vs. 135. There is about 2-3 lbs of different types of Macro's and there is not enought food for it to compete and it could be starving for food. Calurpa will do whatever it has to, to try to survive. Also when it goes sexual it's only 1 or 2 runners. It's not like a large mass goes sexual at one time. If I have fish that would eat it, the calurpa probably would not release the spores. Plus you have to remember that I am using 30 watts white leds and 30 watt blue leds. I also get 7-9 hours of varying natural light from the window behind the tank. The growth is fine with plenty of white leaf extension everyday. Actually, all the other species are doing fine, it could be that in this particular setup that the red algae are out competing the feather. Both of the green algaes that you gave me clipping of are just doing fine and growing. However, the one type of feather calurpa that you gave me that has the tri-leaves seems like it is covered with dirt. Even blowing the leaves off with a powerhead doesn't seem to remove that. I put some in the 34 gal tank acouple of weeks ago and it is growing at a moderate pace. No problems in that tank. I think that you might have a different species in the 135. Anyway, I will bring you some red grape and some flame this weekend. Also some blue mushrooms.

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