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cucumber funk


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i bought a cucumber yesterday. its was great yesterday. he dove into the sand and stuck out his feathery thingies and was filter feeding, licking his finger thingies. the lights went off and he contracted. figured he didnt like the dark. this morning he was balled up on the sand. i figured it would open up later. now its what 7pm and it has been balled up none stop. no protruding feeders. its not dead. ive moved it and it has moved on its own and stuck to rocks. so its alive, or at least the tube feet work.

im testing the water now but i thought i would get this up while i can.

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so far,

i have a high ph, about 8.8 according ot the test. im thinking the school has abnormally high water ph, (the school filters the water for itself and the city. but im trying to get a hold of the chem lab and see if they will let me have some gal of DI)

ammonia, .25

nitrite 0

nitrate no idea, i dont have the color sheet. and my other kit is useless. chemicals are bad or something. no reaction ever takes place.

tommorow im going to attempt a water change. and im ordering parts that will alow me to add another part to my filtration system that i will add a lb or two of carbon.

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With that ammonia reading, I can see why the cucumber is unhappy. I would do a water change and wait it out. It sounds like your tank isn't done cycling.

ammonia is WAY more dangerous to creatures then PH being high.

thats what i thought 2. i think it is a mini cycle. the tank is 2 months old now. but it in the last 3 weeks i've doubled the lr, added quite a bit of plants, and almost 8x upped the lighting. so i think with the lights and plants a lot more stuff is quickly being put out. water change...

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this sea cucumber right?

i was reading up on them before, if they die, take it out, the release toxic to water and will kill your fish. i have them before but decided to return them since i don't want to take the risk

thats what i thought 2. i think it is a mini cycle. the tank is 2 months old now. but it in the last 3 weeks i've doubled the lr, added quite a bit of plants, and almost 8x upped the lighting. so i think with the lights and plants a lot more stuff is quickly being put out. water change...
Edited by bananags
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