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Black Sun Corals


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I have two Black Sun Coral colonies. When I got them the bases started to recede a bit because I had them sitting on the sad. When I mounted them to rocks the recession stopped. They come out every night and feed. They have even been known to take in large piece of krill, large meaning about 5 cubic millimeters.

I am just wondering if the tissue around the base will start to regenerate or if it will always be bleached at the base.

Generally their diet consists of frozen enriched brine and cyclopeze. They nab some mysid when I feed my fish and also grab some pellets. They tend to eat just about anything. They pretty much extend anytime I put something in the water, even when I put a strip of nori in the clip.

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As with most stonies, the white base will simply become live rock and the healthy top of the coral will continue to grow up and out. With time, the coral may encrust over the old skeleton but that part will not regenerate.

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I'm not too sure. Mark Callahan picked up the colony. It used to be one colony but we split it. It wasn't opening in his super clean SPS tank so I took the other one off his hands.

If I can get them to start growing I am more than happy to frag a piece of it for you.

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i had trouble with my sun corals when i first got them. they started to die cause they wouldnt eat. i used brightwell aquatics resor on them. not sure if it is because they started eating again or the restor but they got the fleshy orange back around them

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nice! mine wont ever come out till the white light goes out then they fully open till its on again. but yeah ever since brightwell aquatics restor and zooplanktos m they been doin great, might be worth a shot of u got someone that sells it near you

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