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Pics of my new maxi-minis

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I purchased a few new maxi mini carpet anemones over the past two months, so I thought I would show them off. I really like them and I love how they don't roam around and destroy corals and stay pretty small in one spot. Plus their color varieties are so unique and vast, each one if interesting and captivating in it's own way. I plan on adding some anemone shrimp to them some day in the future. My camera is broken so excuse the bad photos. I'll take some more tomorrow when the lights come on.



And this guy I got today, but he's hidden up in the rock. Tried to get him with the flash, but the colors are off. Maybe he'll be less bashful tomorrow....


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Those are cool. What's the scientific name? I'm looking for nice corals/anemones to host ornamental crustaceans, and those look nicer than just another BTA.

I'm pretty sure the scientific name is Stichodactlya tapetum. I've come to the conclusion that they are better than BTA's since they don't get huge, don't wonder around, and therefore don't get sucked up into powerheads. Plus their prices are very competitive compared to that of BTAs. More colors morphs for cheaper and they don't kill corals/kill themselves? YES PLEASE dribble.gif

The one downside is they only host anemone crabs and shrimp, so don't expect your clowns to take to them

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haha no problem, I grew up in Austin and my girlfriend goes to UT, I just chose A&M because it offered aquaculture while UT didn't. I only saw em off on game day, which will no longer happen :(

Anyway, I got the blue one from AquaSD, and their service and quality was fantastic, I'm glad they are a sponsor! The other two I got on eBay

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Well I did aquaculture for a while until I realized the industry isn't as exciting and fulfilling as I imagined it, so now I'm a bioenvironmental scientist. I'm trying to get a job with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality in Austin or at a consulting company.

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Well I did aquaculture for a while until I realized the industry isn't as exciting and fulfilling as I imagined it, so now I'm a bioenvironmental scientist. I'm trying to get a job with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality in Austin or at a consulting company.

Awesome, I majored in BESC at TAMU too! Definitely try to go with a consulting company. TCEQ doesn't pay squat compared to a private company and the work isn't as fun! Good luck!

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There are pros and cons to government work. The govt work is much more monotonous but alot less of a grind (business development, finance, etc). As a trade, the pay is probably 60% of what you make in consulting. Where do you work Kim ?

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