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Small leak in sump


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That's a tuff one.

Where is the leak located? If it is up high you can drain the sump below the leak. Then slap a piece of acrylic with weldon-40 to seal it, if you can clamp it that would even be better. Weldon-40 takes about 24 hours seal. Silcone sealer a.k.a. aquarium sealer will not work on acrylic. Regal Plastic usually has some junk pieces they'd sell along with the weldon-40.


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Just keep in mind Regal Plastic has a $25 minimum purchase amount. I walked into there to just ask if they carry Weldon and some guy made a snooty comment about $25 being the minimum purchase... and questioned if I was going to buy a large container of it. I know I look like I'm a poor college student but jeez... maybe I can manage $25 from my allowance my parents give me... punk.gif

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Weld on 4 dries almost immediately and within an hour should be good to go, especially for a small leak. Most likely you wouldn't even need another piece of acrylic if it was leaking at one of the seams. Its a really thin liquid that flows easily in small gaps, just squirt some up against the seam and it should seal just fine. It would of course have to be dry and clean for it to work.

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Sorry for the hijack shiftyninja.gif

Where can obtain some weld on 4. I have always used weld on 40.


Got mine on ebay with free shipping for around $12 I think. You need a tiny plastic syringe and I think that it comes with it, at least mine did.

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