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Ok, let me clarify. Ive got my White LED set to ramp on a schedule. But I also want to utilize the weather condition in profiles. So I would like to set certian days of the week either at night or, during day time, no matter to me, to initialize a thunderstorm. E.g. whites low for long periods followed by sharp brightness spikes to simulate lightning strikes ect. Below if what Ive set for the LED outlet. Minus the "STORM" profile, they dim properly, but with the "STORM" profile seems to be an overlap and I obviously dont have it set on a time shedule.


If Time 10:00 to 11:00 Then RampUpW

If Time 11:00 to 20:00 Then WHITEON

If Time 20:00 to 21:00 Then RampDwnW


How can I inject multiple triggers based on day and time combined? Time could be gross since I could select days schedule. What am I doing wrong as it doesnt display any strikes.

STORM is profile I created


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it depends on the drivers you have most react to slowly to act like lightning strikes

and all they do is scare your fish anyways err well and look cool and make you smile.

I have seen a set of instructions to do it on RC's neptune systems forum in there sponsors section.

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I just removed the storm command. It was trying to work, but the ramp speed of the strikes cannot be handled by the 48D drivers I guess. So back to std ole ramp up/down. So far Im really diggin this apex. Now just need to figure out the I/O port for ATO and OF switches.

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On a separate note, Im getting txt/email warnings about my ph. I have it set to < 07.60 then ON for the email warning. Last night was 7.78 when lights were dimming. I have plenty of surface agitation. I dosed some dkH buffer (1 tsp) last night into the sump and ph raised a bit. I know at night it will be lower but right now with lights on its low(7.57). Going to do a 10g water change tonight. I dont do large Wc since I dose elements and my nitrates dont even show on a test.

So the question is, during the probe calibration, the reading didnt fluctuate much when I inserted the probes in the calibration solution. Be it 7 or 10. The apex accepted it but not sure if I did something wrong. Both solutions were at room temp. Should I put them in a bag in the sump to bring the temp down to 77f on them prior to calibration? Just want the data to be as accurate as possible.

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I would say as long as when you put it back into the 7 or 10 after its done calibrating and it reads 7 or 10 then you are all set. Jus make sure not to cross contaminate them and always clean the probe in ro water before going to the other solution.

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Im not sure on the tap water but would recomend a good flick of the probe after the clean water rinse to get rid of most of it before putting it in the 7 or 10 regent. But again if it reads both regents correct or within the probes +- then it is set right.

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Its right, my ph was just that low. I had a lot of evap yesterday since my GF decided to turn the AC off in the house so chiller ran a lot. With the low sump level, it seemed to amplify the low PH. I Topped off the sump and it came back up to 7.91. I didnt get to do my WC but will tonight, that should put me in the 8.0 range.

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