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Bubble algae - what eats this?


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Not to mention how cool emerald crabs are. Once they knock out your bubble algae be sure to continue to feed them. Mine will take dried Nori from my fingers. They love the stuff

you should post a video of that.. I'd like to see it. :)

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Not to mention how cool emerald crabs are. Once they knock out your bubble algae be sure to continue to feed them. Mine will take dried Nori from my fingers. They love the stuff

you should post a video of that.. I'd like to see it. smile.png

I'll do it. I found out that my harlequin shrimp in my Solana will do the same if I hand it an asterina star. Fun stuff!

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Generally (and I do mean generally), crabs with blunt/rounded tips to their claws (like the emerald crab) will leave corals alone.

Pointy clawed crabs are generally predators.

I love having emeralds in my tanks, except for some odd reason they never seems to molt for me, and die off eventually. Every other crab I have owned (hermits mostly) molt very regularly.

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We had bubble algae on our new frag plugs. Turbo snails and blue-legged hermit crabs ate most of it. We only have mature emerald crabs and they didn't seem very interested.

I have a TON of gorilla crabs if you want em. ;-)

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