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Coral beauty Angel


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I have a beautiful 2.5-3" coral beauty angel. I've had him for approx 2 years. In that time he has been housed with all kinds of zoas, LPS, and SPS. I've never seen him nip at anything in that time. Very healthy little fish. My lights are off now so I can't get a good pic, but will try and get one up ASAP.


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I have learned something this Sunday morning. That when you enter into a agreement on this board to sell or buy some thing from another person, it is not complete until you pick the items up. I always thought buyers were the only ones that don't follow through on their promised to buy. I guess sellers also promise to sell to you something then sell it to another person after your agreement.

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I have learned something this Sunday morning. That when you enter into a agreement on this board to sell or buy some thing from another person, it is not complete until you pick the items up. I always thought buyers were the only ones that don't follow through on their promised to buy. I guess sellers also promise to sell to you something then sell it to another person after your agreement.

Yes this does happen from time to time, I can think of one time tank was being broke down and everyone had choosen what they wanted. Only to find out one member snaked in under everyone and bought out everything.... Saw some of the items get put back up for sale a couple months later, guess they got the items they wanted and parted out the rest hoping no one would see.

Your best bet is to send a paypal to have them hold the item.

Sorry you didn't get your coral beauty, Its a bad feeling when someone sells out from under you :(

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My suggestion would be to send the seller payment via PayPal it costs you nothing or the seller anything if its sent as a gift. And I am sure a seller would agree to refund the funds if you were not happy when you went to pick it up or at least you could make that clear before hand.

I feel safe doing this with anyone that has been around the boards a while.

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I have learned something this Sunday morning. That when you enter into a agreement on this board to sell or buy some thing from another person, it is not complete until you pick the items up. I always thought buyers were the only ones that don't follow through on their promised to buy. I guess sellers also promise to sell to you something then sell it to another person after your agreement.

I appreciate you posting this here on the forum before I had a chance to talk to you about this. As several have said on here Paypal or cash is king. I'm sorry this didn't work out, but I'm shutting down a tank and need to get rid of this stuff ASAP. I've had WAY TO MANY people on this board say "I'll be there at two cash in hand" and never show up without even a mention as to why. That is why ALL of my stuff is still for sale unless I have prepayment. There are several people here on these boards that I'm willing to hold stuff for without payment, but those people are extremely active here, have more than 28 posts, and have been reliable 100% of the time. Again I'm sorry this didn't work out, but in the future you might try talking to the person directly before you post this kind of stuff here on the public board.

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I'll be addressing this issue shortly with a new pinned item on the For Sale forum. I'm not saying anyone is at fault here, but our Sale system is a bit confusing because everyone assumes different things. new post to follow shortly. As always, please try to contact all parties of a transaction and attempt to settle it in private before going public on the board. Many issues can be clarified this way without creating any ill will on the board.

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I lived up to my side of the commitment. I was waiting for the seller to provide a time for me to come pick up the items and I get a pm stating he sold the items to friend instead. This is not a big deal other than the sellers and buyers need to keep their word/commitments while participating on this website.

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I think you have made your point. I have apologized profusely here and through PMs, but like I explained to you I have been burned multiple times by people saying they will be here at a certain time and never show up or call. Because of that I've gotten to a point where I'm no longer going to turn down guaranteed money on a chance that the person might show up. This has nothing to do with you personally that is just how I have been forced to operate. That is why I require paypal payment for holds. I did screw up by forgetting to post "will hold with paypal" on here like I do on every one of my postings. I guess I just had a brain fart. Sorry again for the last time, and I think the conversation can be dropped.

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