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Is it possible to change the sand?


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I have white-ish sand, but I've seen some tanks with black sand that are really nice. If I were to change the sand, that would start the cycling all over again, wouldn't it? Has anyone ever changed their sand successfully?

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Depends how established your sand is. The longer you sand has been in there, the more stuff you will stir up and the more bacteria you will remove.

Also black sand really shows detrius, rock chips, food, and just about everything else floating around in the tank. It is a PITA to keep clean. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

the white and black sand mix i am told actually is a new and rather athetically pleasing look. or if the sand bed is shallow you could just pile the black on top of the white and have a deep sand bed, just be carful not to mix it.

Entropy is right, black sand does get ugly. i had black sand in a tank and how i dont know but it got dirty looking. it goes against logic, we usually buy black so it doesnt show dirt but the black sand turns grey dusty etc.

Headless donkey how do you have blue sand?? are you using that colored sand sold for reptiles?? if so i was told by the company that is not tank safe, least not in salt water. the dyes leech out. it isnt anything more than food dye but still.. if you have another source please share, i have never seen colored sand tank safe. I would love to set one of those up!

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We bought it at river city. They sell it at amazonia. the manufacturer starts with an E. The package as two clown fish on the front. It is sold as "reef sand." They have tons of colors. I don't think we have had any problems with it. Now you have me paranoid. I can tell you the sand does not change color as if the dyes are leeching. If you find out something different please let me know.

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We bought it at river city. They sell it at amazonia. the manufacturer starts with an E. The package as two clown fish on the front. It is sold as "reef sand." They have tons of colors. I don't think we have had any problems with it. Now you have me paranoid. I can tell you the sand does not change color as if the dyes are leeching. If you find out something different please let me know.

ooh! right. yea no im talkiing about the colored sand you buy from petsmart etc that is called calci sand etc. they are in the lizard section of the store. its nothing but reef sand blasted with reallly hot food dye. and supposedly the salt water disloves the dye off the sand. not that food dye sounds like super harmfull but still... altho i believe that brand uses the same method so why one is safe the other isnt i dont know. the lizard stuff may of not been tested so the company just tells people dont try it. heavens if only i understood business.

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