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How to trap a cleaner shrimp?


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Anyone have any ideas? The guy is super friendly and will readily crawl on my hand, but as soon as I try to lift him out of the tank or put a net in to grab him he takes off (smart a**). Anyway, he's a pig and I want to move him out of my seahorse tank and into the clown fish tank so he won't be all over the seahorse food (once I get seahorses).


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It took me an hour and a half to catch my starry blenny. I was ready to give up after a while but patience and persistence helped. I left the net in the tank the whole time so he would get used to it being in there and had the open part of the net facing the front of the tank so I could easily just pull it toward me in a quick motion to make a seal using the front glass panel while I made the million attempts to catch him. He was motivated by food so I just placed a piece of seaweed in between the mag float and moved it to the front glass and let my net sit and wait for him to go and start munching. My cleaner shrimp also loves the seaweed so this tactic might work for you as well. I hope I explained myself clear enough. Good luck

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awesome - thanks for the link - I'm gonna try it right now!

Cool, it should work, you may have to be a little patient, but if he is hungry he will eventually go in there for the food. Let us know when you catch him!!!!

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ok - patience is not my virtue whistle.gif . So far he checked it out - but i think he concluded it's a trap cause he's back to hanging out under the rock far away from the bait. On the other hand, my snails and pepps are trying to get in . .. . I'll give it a bit longer (unfortunately, I already fed the tank this morning so probably not that hungry).

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ok - patience is not my virtue whistle.gif . So far he checked it out - but i think he concluded it's a trap cause he's back to hanging out under the rock far away from the bait. On the other hand, my snails and pepps are trying to get in . .. . I'll give it a bit longer (unfortunately, I already fed the tank this morning so probably not that hungry).

Yeah, you may have to wait and not feed for a day or so, if you do I would recommend leaving the trap in the tank so they get used to it being there with no food.... Also when I made mine I made the entrance a little bigger by cutting the hard part of the plastic neck off and give him a little room to get in.

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ok - patience is not my virtue whistle.gif . So far he checked it out - but i think he concluded it's a trap cause he's back to hanging out under the rock far away from the bait. On the other hand, my snails and pepps are trying to get in . .. . I'll give it a bit longer (unfortunately, I already fed the tank this morning so probably not that hungry).
Yeah, you may have to wait and not feed for a day or so, if you do I would recommend leaving the trap in the tank so they get used to it being there with no food.... Also when I made mine I made the entrance a little bigger by cutting the hard part of the plastic neck off and give him a little room to get in.

Done and Done. Now the trap is just sitting there making my tank look ugly for the next day or so . . .

Shotgun? grin.png

thumbsdown.gif This is a no gun house lol

I'm not sure if this would work for a cleaner shrimp, but I've heard you can catch sexy shrimp by shooting them with RO water. The freshwater temporarily stuns them.

Ha! He'd just scurry away murmuring about how stupid I am. Smart little devil

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Yeah they are not pretty that is for sure, I had to do the same thing and it took me about 3-4 days to catch a flame angel that was nipping my corals. But he eventually got hungry and went in there, so there is hope grin.png

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