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Corals without lights?

C Lo Slice

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So I struck a deal with Mr. Cob that saw me get a frag in exchange for my Sea Slug. Well, of course, the day of the swap, the slug decided he wanted to go hang out in the ONLY corner of the tank that is impossible for me to get to. I tried everything I could to get him to move, eventually poking him with my net in the attempt to scoop him out. Once I poked him he decided to move to a better location for me to grab him. Once he moved, my hand was too thick to get into the crevice to pick him up. I asked my wife for assistance and she decided to move the light fixture on her own, instead of asking me to help her. When she did, she grabbed only one side and pulled it to the front of the tank. The other side of the fixture stayed put and, needless to say, the plastic on the "holding foot" on the side she was pulling, gave way. It snapped right in half. How it didn't completely fall into the tank, who knows (but thank God it didn't!). We pulled it off the tank and assessed the damage. No bueno.

This is a Coralife 4-bulb T5HO fixture with 4 directional moonlights. I checked my owner's manual and their website to no avail - they don't have any replacement parts listed for order. I sent the company an e-mail to explain my problem and ask if I could order a new "foot". Still waiting to hear back from them. So, basically, my question is will my corals survive without any lights until I can figure out what to do?

The list of corals is:


(3) small Acan frags

Large Acan colony

7 polyp Sunny D frag

Blood Red Blasto frag

Red and green Blasto frag

Purple People Eater frag

Purple Hornet frag

Palau Nepthea colony

9-eyed Miami Hurricane chalice

Lots of GSP

(3) Metallic Orange shrooms

(3) Green shrooms

(2) different Zoa hitchhiker colonies

Indo Zoa frag from AAF

Fairy Dust Paly colony

and a very large Superman Monti (~6 inches)

I know the fish are okay without lights, but I'm still new to saltwater so I just want to make sure that corals will be fine as well. Anyone have any suggestions or comments??

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duct tape the leg on :) for a temp fix.

Alot of people do 3 days of darkness to kill off bad algae so I would assume no harm will come for a short while with no lights.

If it was me I would just do a temp thing to fix the light even it it was placing a brick or a book <depending how hot it gets> or hit home depot for a aluminum angle and hack saw it to size and screw it on as a leg. Just make sure you screw it to a spot that dont show when its fixed right.

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they can go a couple of days without the light but not long time

coralife is owned by oceanic and you can call them if you want and let them know what happened. from my expierience they have great customer service

and they had parts that are not listed on the site.

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Have you try super glue ? I don't have the same brand ligth fixture (just have the same look though). One of the foot on mine snapped 2 weeks ago, and it took me 30 seconds to super-glued it back. It is still holding up as of now. I just have to be careful to lift the whole light fixture up when I need to move it around (which is quite frequent) .

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Can you snap a pic of it? I have two old light fixtures here that still have the legs on them. If one will work for you, I can drop it in the mail tomorrow.

Thank you for the offer, Sherita, that's very nice of you. I was contacted by Coralife this morning and they said they will drop a new foot in the mail tomorrow and I should have it in a few days.

The corals will be fine for at least 3 days of minimal light. Normal room lighting will be fine, or if you have a window near, open it.

You may find that 3 days of reduced lighting may do wonders for reducing your algae problem too. Just do that big water change.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. The slug did a phenomenal job of getting 99% of the GHA and cyano. Hopefully this will finish it off.

they can go a couple of days without the light but not long time

coralife is owned by oceanic and you can call them if you want and let them know what happened. from my expierience they have great customer service

and they had parts that are not listed on the site.

Definitely great customer service. I offered to pay for the replacement and was told not to worry about it. Now I just hope I can get it quickly. If it isn't here by Wednesday, I'll probably try to do a temporary fix on the fixture and just pray it doesn't fall in the water, I guess.

Thanks for all the advice, guys. And to those who offered to babysit my corals, I definitely appreciate the offer. smile.png

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