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sixline wrasse


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I have difficulty to find sixline wrasse, I can't find anywhere. I got sixline and lawnmower last thursday from RCA, and few days sixline was doing fine eat mysis and brine shrimp, very active and today I can't find somewhere. he is sleeping or hide somewhere? I see paired ocellaris and lawnmower swam.

I checked the parameter, They are good.

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Mine is always out in the open, especially at feeding time. Have you tried feeding them to see if it would show up?

I did feed frozen mysis and brine, paired ocellaris came and eat.. I haven't see sixline.. if not the I will changed the statue to M.I.A or D.I.T (Dead In Tank)

Lawnmower still active

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They hide at night the rockwork at night (in their slime cocoon), but during the day mine was always out in the open.

Hopefully he is just being shy.... but of luck!

I know where the area that sixline hide, but I checked the rock, there is nothing, I will throw some mysis in few hours dinner time. and see..

very interesting... :blink:

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Sixlines are constant hunters and are pretty much always out and moving during the day (when the lights are on). If you haven't see it in a day or two I would fear the worst. Have you checked the floor behind the tank?

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Sixlines are constant hunters and are pretty much always out and moving during the day (when the lights are on). If you haven't see it in a day or two I would fear the worst. Have you checked the floor behind the tank?

And to add to this, if you have a tank with a false wall (like an Aquapod/NanoCube), you might check in the sump area.

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6 liners are accomplished carpet surfers I'm afraid. I lost one to this last year and I still haven't figured out how exactly tjhe little Houdini managed to do it (I've got a full hood and egg crate over all of the hood openings :blink: ) There's still a chance that he's just hiding though. I hope you find him in one piece!

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Now Status is M.I.A, I have read some of their experience and suggests, Haven't find any piece of 6 lines, Carpet, I should have notice or smell foul, not yet, I have 3 cats. they doesn't bother fishes when i show them. or could be they play with it and deposit somewhere.

Sump, I can't see any reason gone to sump because the U tube is too close to overflow cup to reduce the bubble to cause air in the u tube. Yesterday I dismantle the pipes and not see any stuck in the pipe.

There is my second time lost to 6 line. One is my fault, I using cheap hydrometer and the gravity is 1.032 at first acclimated and already kill in next day. I use refractometer and go down to 1.026. I learned my mistake with cheap stuffs.

Now the second one, good for 3 days then missing.

I like six line because very interesting species, maneuvering and characteristic. I will buy again, don't let it change my mind.

I will give the ammonia test to see any spike but the problem was I already water changes and new carbon in the sump yesterday, will not able to detectable of ammonia for short time.

Should I put three fishes in 20 gallon tank for short time while I check the rock to find 6 line's part and then put in fish bag and send to Dover?

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