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Direct feeding coral


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I direct feed several corals because they are non-photosynthetic. I also sometimes feed my regular stuff like acans, lobos, etc when there is left over mysis in the seahorse feeding dish. I will also spot feed my inverts and hit the sps too while I'm at it just because it's the right size food for them too. My tank is well established and handles all the feedings very well but in a newer system I would start increasing any food slowly and watch your tank params. Part of what I love about keeping coral is watching the different responses to things like food :)

Edit: by inverts I mean my tunicates, basket stars, feather dusters, etc, not snails, that would just be silly! :P

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I target feed most of my lps and chalices... I bought some really high end chalices that I feel I spoon feed like a child! I even made some protective covers so they can eat in peace without fish or inverts bugging them... Can anyone say addiction? :o)

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I Direct feed maybe once a week. Mostly for my duncans, but I also target my candy canes and lobo I have. I also toss some mysid at so e large palys I have. I think squirt smaller stuff in the general area of my gorgonians.

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Most of my corals don't get any extra attention as far as feeding. They will pull ammonia and nitrates from the water to feed their zooanthellae so feeding the fish should take care of most of them. I would say this is something you'll need to experiment with to see what makes 'em happy. The few that do get fed are only fed once or twice a week.

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who all here does or does not direct feed some corals? And why?

i have some reef roids that someone gave me with my tank. and some frozen cyclops. i might experiment with them a little. i fed my fish rods twice a week and brine shrimp for a treat once every 10 days or so, corals have been doing great. so maybe if i get bored one day ill mix up a batch and put it and a syringe. i did throw a half does of reef roids (marine plankton) slowly into tank last week just to give it a try.

Edited by MasonHoff
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