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Green BTA question


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So since I moved everything into my new 90 gallon tank, my green BTA's have not came out while the lights are on. Even when the lights are off they seem to hide under the rocks. One is all the way at the bottom under a rock edge and is touching the sand. Should I be worried about them not coming out? The 8 T5 lights that I am running now are a lot brighter then the 150 MH bulb they use to be under. I didnt know if I should move them around especially the one that is touching the sand. Please advise on what I should do if anything. Thanks everyone. Also here is a picture of the tank. I love it.


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You should back off of your lighting, and then greadually add your lighting. They are trying to tell you that the change is not making them happy.

This is good advice, as this also applies for the rest of your corals. I didn't do that when I moved from my 24g with PC lights to my 75g with MH lights. I lost a lot of my corals.

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As others have said, BTAs will move to where they are happy so don't try to move them yourself. I wouldn't remove bulbs, I would leave them all in and cut back the time. Start with a about 3 hours and add back an hour every 4 or 5 days until you're back to 8. Also monitor the temperature, with that your change in tank and lighting the temp could be higher. BTAs will lose their color when they get consistently too hot or too much light.

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