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seagrass and mangroves for my dwarf sea horses


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Hi Everyone,

I'm so excited - I get my dwarf sea horses tomorrow!!! Right now I will place them in my small two gallon tank with some fake plants, but I'd love for them to have a more natural hitching environment. I've already purchased some live red macro algae online. Now I just need some green sea grass and mangroves. Anyone have some they'd like to sell? It's a small tank so I don't need too much.

Also - for those experienced with sea horses - any advice or tips are much appreciated. I've been doing a ton of research online but if you know of things that work best or are not good for sea horses let me know, i.e. maybe turtle grass is not the best?



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I have Caulerpa Prolefera in my refugiums that you are welcome to. Technically seagrass plants and macro algae are not the same. Calurpa Prolifera is a macro algae (seaweed). Seaweed and seagrass are not the same even though I have seen them used interchangable. I find the Caulerpa Prolifera a nice addittion in my display tank. It is not as invasive as other Caulerpa and the herbivores love to eat it.

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I have some codium I could give you. That would make great natural hitching for them. Not a grass though, it's a macro. Really easy to care for and doesn't require much light. My horses love it, they're not dwarfs, but still :)

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4"-6" max. The more you trim it, the more nutriant export you accomplish. I t will grow more robustly with trimming. Give me a call


512-514-1446 home

sweet :). KimP says she lives by you and I might be able to coordinate my trips for later this weekend. Is there a time on Sunday that works best for you?



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4"-6" max. The more you trim it, the more nutriant export you accomplish. I t will grow more robustly with trimming. Give me a call


512-514-1446 home

sweet :). KimP says she lives by you and I might be able to coordinate my trips for later this weekend. Is there a time on Sunday that works best for you?



Sunday after 2 PM. I usually do a Jazz Brunch at the Nutty Brown. Just let me know for sure the day before.

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