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Ribbon eel....


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Ok aside from the leave them in the ocean talk,

Why did my ribbon chop himself up in my power head? He was eating fine. Acclimated properly, seemed fine, ate, then lights out I wake up and 50$ is dead + he broke my power head.

Any ideas?

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Not to sound like a smartass, but eels are like that. In my experience their inquisitive nature often overwhelms their sense of self preservation. If they're not exploring places they shouldn't, they're jumping out of the tank.. my snowflake has jumped twice since I had him, toppled the rockscape a few times, nearly breaking the glass, etc, but he's still one of my favorites.

They're amazing creatures, but more like toddlers than predators. I'm really sorry for your loss, but if it helps any I don't think you did anything wrong, eels are just like that some times.

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+1 to what NonSequitur said. I had a snowflake live and grown up for a long time, then one day it just went exploring across the dining room floor.

Plus ribbons are notorious jumpers, so it was probably looking at the powerhead as a way to get to someplace else.

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What do y'all think about when I introduce another, sticking it in a little mesh crate for a week to get it comfy, eating and adjusted to it's surroundings?

Also, feed everyday, or overt other

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Sorry to hear about your eel! Might want to think about putting something over the pump outputs too. Many years ago I worked in a pet sop that had one of those tiered acrylic setups with a single pump and filter . A small snowflake got into the plumping and didn't have problems going up the drain lines from the sump to one tier to the other so they're happy to go against current in plumping. It ate a fair share of shrimp before we figured it out.

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Yeah, the problem was he went straight into the powerhead, the only real opening. I will definitely e getting another, but am thinking more along the lines of dwarf golden moray...:| just thinking of build a PVC pipeline and inserting under a section of my LR. Not sure of that will work though

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Would be nice if someone figured out how to breed them. I saw one on DFS for about $200 a few weeks ago. It was gone in about 30 seconds. There's several other retailers but the price ranges from $300 - $600, ouch...

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