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My boyfriend and I just joined the forum (I honestly stumbled upon it while trying to find decent selections of macro algae, none of which I have purchased as of yet). We have a 55 gallon, which has been established for a little over a year, a 29 gallon (I wanted smaller loverfishes) and a newly acquired 92 gallon corner tank. We've already decided that as the teenagers start to move out, their rooms will be filled with aquariums! Just kidding...sorta. We do probably need a larger house for the 300 gallon he eventually wants. Ahem.

Anyway, I found it rather amusing that I had been looking around online for at least two weeks to see what sort of stuff I'd be adding to my tank, talked to all sorts of people at stores and the very day I signed up here, some random sales guy asked if we had heard of you guys.

I'm sure you'll be seeing quite a bit of both of us around. While I'm relatively new to saltwater, he's been at it for most of his adult life. =)


Thank you! biggrin.gif

I'm narrowing down my list of initial harassing questions at this point; hopefully by tomorrow, I'll know more about what I want to ask.


Welcome! This group is a great resource and incredibly helpful. A great feature to utilize is the search. I spend about half my time researching the archives. Tons of useful info and experience there. Looking forward to hearing about your tanks :wave:


Welcome! Ask away........ I've found it's less expensive to research and ask when in doubt than to guess.

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