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roaming nem stuck in intake


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I'm trying to put the pic off my phone here. We'll see. My gbta hasnt been happy for a few days- since I moved his rock when I stole some for the big tank. Been moving all over trying to find his happy place again. Ended up on the intake today. I got home and his foot is sucked into the back. He's doing fine and his clown is ok where he's at, but how do I get him out? I turned the filtration off and am hoping he'll move himself since I couldn't push/pull him out. Help...

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And looks like the pic didn't go. It's a few inches long and slotted. Anemone appears to be doing fine. Tips are bubbled like normal and fish is hosting. Water is still clear. He just needs to move so I can turn the filtration back on...

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jeez...well...it can't stay there...so....can you try a non-blunt instrument and try to gently push it through at the shorter end? I am sure it will repair itself on the end tissues...it's the foot that is the most sensitive, IMHO....maybe a clean Q-Tip or a soft toothbrush or the end of a baby spoon? Just thinkin' here...warning!! warning!! Or maybe you can try to blow it out youself with a turkey baster??

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That's a good idea! I tried the turkey master and trying to push it through, but it just got mad at me and didn't move. We kind of decided its just happy there. Not enough flow to hurt it after further inspection, but I don't want it there. Ice may do the trick. Thanks!

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Lol, that's a thought too. I'm really hoping that when I get home he will have moved somewhere else. At this point, since he's already unhappy and unsettled, we just want him off the intake so we can move him to the big tank. We were going to wait for nemo to grow a little more, but now may be the best time. IF the wretched thing will let go!

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And it somehow ended up in the filter column attached to the sponge. Have it out and acclimating to the big tank but I'm kinda concerned about putting it there. It looks ok, but not great. What are the chances of it cratering and killing everything in the big tank? Should I put it back in thte nano where it wasn't happy and hope for the best?

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Ok, that makes me feel better. He's attached to the bottom of the pyrex measuring cup I had him in and won't let go so I just put the whole thing in the tank. Figure it'll help shield him from the current and let him do his thing w/o me stressing him more by pulling him off...

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