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WTB scuba steve frogspawn


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If greenmako's frogspawn was scuba steve frogspawn then I guess I probably have some I could sell you. I bought mine from Brooks who I believe bought it from Greenmako when he tore down his tank. We can check with Brooks to make sure of this, but I'm 90% sure that is where it came from. LMK if you want to check it out. BTW what is so special about the scuba steve frogspawn?

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It is a green frogspawn but it is more neon green than typical frogspwan. Chad and Belinda had some that I was going to buy but it died before I could get it.

Medi do you have a pic? Does it look different to you than other frogspawn you have seen? The color difference is noticable when compared to other frogspawn.

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I typed scuba steve frogspawn in to google and ARC came up several times and it looks like green mako did have this frogspawn. He also had many others too though so I'm not sure which one you have medi but here is a link with a picture, it is the second frogspawn pictured about 1/2 way down....it's labeled. Looks like another member had it too, I sent them a PM.


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It is a green frogspawn but it is more neon green than typical frogspwan. Chad and Belinda had some that I was going to buy but it died before I could get it.

Medi do you have a pic? Does it look different to you than other frogspawn you have seen? The color difference is noticable when compared to other frogspawn.

Not quite.

The color is basically a very green color. Very nice. I've had it since Steve gave me a bunch of it about a year before he sold his tank to Prof and we tore it down. The actual difference between it and other Euphyllia is that this coral in particular has the heads of hammer corals but has many of them on the stalk like a frogspawn. The heads are not true circles like a frogspawn, hence why it is called ScubaSteve Hybrid. You have to search very closely at Stonerollers picture but you may make this out if you are observant. This coral is neither a true frogspawn, nor a true hammer and that is what makes it so great.

I have a decent sized colony I would consider parting with. My guess is that it is currently around 12 large heads. PM me offers and I will consider them. This coral is getting harder to find. It used to be very easy to get from the source as he could grow the snot out of it. The coral has been fragged so many times now by people that had colonies that it has seemed to vanish. Instead you'd think that many people have some, I think most people got rid of theirs during the big SPS fad a few years back. I just gave a nice frag of it to Brooks the other day.

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