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What kind of fish is this?


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We went down to Port Aransas this weekend and got a chance to play on the jetties for a little while.

I caught a couple of fish that I thought were blennies or gobies at the time, but not so certain anymore.

These were caught on the jetties inbetween the rocks at night. They were not free swimming and were really calm and were just chilling on the sides of the rocks.

I had also caught 3 smaller fish that I knew were blennies, but this guy ate them on the bucket ride home.



I have 3 of them in a tank by themselves. They will eat frozen mysis, live brine, and even pellets.

Two of them are about 2-3" long and the one who is pictured is about 4-5"

Any ideas on what they may be?


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Looks like a sculpin to me. I don't know much about them except that they are found in both SW and FW. I actually caught a few of the FW variety last week and was using them as brown trout bait.

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Yeah, someone else had said sculpin as well. I just wanted to wait and see what other opinions were without suggesting it.

Need any more baitfish?

lol...wish I did. That would mean I was still on vacation.

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Did you at least catch some blennies too? Last trip I had a good hole and actually had so many I started tossing them back in. Largest was about 4". I have two dark ones in my main tank still doing great. I also had a tiny one I thought the Angler ate and a couple weekends ago saw him in the the Anglers tank so I scooped him out and put him in the nano. Here are some photos of my Angler...found him in the first clump of sargassum I pulled up. He's tripled in size...I love this fish and just bought him wesryn's 20g AIO.

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Did you at least catch some blennies too? Last trip I had a good hole and actually had so many I started tossing them back in. Largest was about 4". I have two dark ones in my main tank still doing great. I also had a tiny one I thought the Angler ate and a couple weekends ago saw him in the the Anglers tank so I scooped him out and put him in the nano. Here are some photos of my Angler...found him in the first clump of sargassum I pulled up. He's tripled in size...I love this fish and just bought him wesryn's 20g AIO.

I did have a couple blennies, but this dude ate them in the bucket.

I still have the blenny Chalinda brought me back last time you guys went.

We were looking for an angler, but couldnt find any. Found a few pipefish though.

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Oh man...it ate them...that sucks! Evil fish. Last year I got a file fish and an angler and didn't realize they both ate life shrimp. They did a number on my peps I caught LOL. I can never find pipefish :D(

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My super cool fish above is no more. I found him on the tank stand this morning. I was almost in tears and tried floating him JUST in case...no luck. I just set up his new tank last weekend and he was loving it.

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My super cool fish above is no more. I found him on the tank stand this morning. I was almost in tears and tried floating him JUST in case...no luck. I just set up his new tank last weekend and he was loving it.

Sorry to hear that Dena!

They however have a HUGE angler at RCA right now. He looks really really cool, and will only set you back $200!

Or, I can give you one of these sculpin if it will help you feel better. Heck. I don't want to be selfish, you can have all 3.

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  • 6 months later...

For certain, anything that you catch near the jetties will eat anything smaller than itself. In the Gulf Coast theme tank which I set up years ago, a shrimper friend brought me a Sea Robin. It had three long skinny feet on each side which it used to walk about. His pectoral fins were very large resembling small wings, hence the name Sea Robin.


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For certain, anything that you catch near the jetties will eat anything smaller than itself. In the Gulf Coast theme tank which I set up years ago, a shrimper friend brought me a Sea Robin. It had three long skinny feet on each side which it used to walk about. His pectoral fins were very large resembling small wings, hence the name Sea Robin.


Thanks Patrick.

I look forward to getting to learn some stuff with you during the trip to the coast!

I may have not liked these little sculpin, but the eels up at RCA seemed to like them just fine.

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I never feel guilty about the cycle of life. Wheather we like it or not, humans are on top of the food chain. Animals respond to instint, they have no morale higher level of responsibility. Only humans are connected to a higher level of morality. What we as humans do with our spiritual life is our choice as "free will agents". I never lift animals to the level of humans. It makes no sense and is a morale delima for too many people.


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With respect to the rock anemoneas, I collected many during my three years at the Maritime Academy on Pelican Island, next to Galveston. During that time in the early 70, one pet store used food coloring with a syringe and dyed the rock anemoneas different exotic colors. I asked him what about the customers that complained about the faded look. He said "I sold them some more dyed ones".

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  • 2 weeks later...

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