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Berghia Nudibranch Crusaders!


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A while ago I mentioned my intention to raise a Berghia Nudibranch Army. I now have a 55g loaded with aptasia which I might add was extremely hard to culture! :) Before I order these guys I want to make sure there are enough people that want them (ya right!). These guys will completely ANNIHILATE 100% aptasia from your tanks. How ever you must keep in mind that after the food is gone, so are they. They will be free to anyone who promises not to sell them. These are knights not mercenaries! They can not be bought! If you would like to sell them for profit then purchase your own lol. This is a crusade to rid the world of aptasia not personal revenue. Frank Burr did this for his club with great results! When he told me about how well it went for him and his club it made me realize that maybe it was a sign that it was time! I will start a list according to responses.


  • Wrasses (except Fairy wrasses)
  • Long nosed hawkfish
  • Peppermint shrimp
  • Camel shrimp
  • Some brittle starfish to a lesser degree
  • Large crabs (Sally Lightfoot,Green legged hermit, etc.)
  • Lower rock areas with Bristle worm nests will eat Berghia to protect the eggs
  • Chemicals used for Aiptasia could kill Berghia and eggs.
  • Strong overflow


1) Turn off lights, Allow fish and predators to settle down. Preferably leave the lights off several hours after Berghia arrive.

2) TURN OFF ALL WATER FLOW, pumps and power heads alike while releasing the Berghia.

3) Partial water changes for 30 minutes to an hour to acclimate Berghia to your aquariums conditions.

4) One method of introduction in the aquarium is to place the container they are shipped in on it's side next to the largest aiptasia colony, wedged & weighted with a rock and just allow them to crawl out on their own.

5) Another method is to use the pipette that came with your shipment and gently blow water that you suck up into the pipette at the berghia to knock the berghia in the water column of the cup then suck it up with the pipette. At this time you can release the Berghia colony onto coral rock high on top of reef, near but not on top of aiptasia. "BE CAREFUL" as the berghia are very fragile and can be damaged quite easily. NEVER scrape the berghia off the sides of the container. Keeping the colony together allows the Berghia to find each other to mate and find food to eat.

6) Avoid predators.

7) Don’t feed during acclimation time.

8) After introducing Berghia, don’t move rock around or cause rock slides or use juice; both can cause harm to Berghia and eggs.

9) Sit back, wait and be patient.

Let the holy war begin. :)

Commanders List:


Salt Dreams






Don't forget to donate :wub:

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No I'm sure less flow will increase the speed that they destroy but the multiply fast, It's not like a velvet that your constantly watching with your fingers crossed. They come they multiply they destroy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

IF you want to order let me know. I most likely will purchase from the people in san antonio. 3 packs are 60$ and they recommend 2 packs for optimal colony growth. If you don't want to wait let me know and I can pick them up for you when I go. It will take a little while to culture them for people who want free one :D

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