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Purple Up


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I'm using it to boost coraline growth in my tank since I have very little. I also heard it chokes out other kinds of problematic algae.

I never got around to using the product. Everyone told me that it was nothing more than Ca and KH booster. The best way to get coralline growth in your tank is to seed it with rock that already has it on there.

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The stuff is garbage. Use the bottle you have and don't waste your money again. It really want add more coraline. Proper tnak maintenance will add everything that is in that bottle.

+1 and keep your Mg high. I've never seeded coraline algae and its all over my tank.

Mikey knows! :punk:

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If you want to use Purple Up. Use it. It's still available, reviews seem good. I doubt its garbage. Their are less expensive products for dosing CA, KH, Mg and Iodine. If you plan on keeping the tank you will eventually use the individual bottles for CA, KH, Mg and Iodine.

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I'd say that years in the hobby have led me to understand that there is nothing more in "Purple Up" than what you get in a water change.

Seriously folks it's not like the crap has "coraline seeds" in it or anything special. It's not even a 2 part solution that would really help maintain your proper levels of CA and ALK. So what if it has a touch of trace minerals, so does your salt mix.

I don't know of anybody that uses the product past their "reefer break in period". It is one of those products that many people buy when they first begin the hobby and as time shows them, they quit buying it. It is a snake oil. I will take it all back if you can find me the 1 ingredient that can be PROVEN within a laboratory that will cause significant coraline growth that CANNOT be found within your salt mix. It must be that 1 ingredient that all salt mixes lack and can ONLY be found within Purple Up. Until then, I stand by my comment about it being garbage.

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Thanks guys. I only bought an 8 ounce bottle though so no biggie. I should have done a little more research on it. The reason I wasn't seeing coraline algae growth was due to my nitrates. There almost under control now. So I shouldn't have anymore issues.

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