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What in the heck is this???


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So what I thought was a red emerald crab seems to keep growing.... I need to know if I should keep it in my tank or if it should go to the sump or if I should sell/trade him off... I fear he is the reason my fish have shown up with wounds on their sides or have never been seen again all together... Please let me know!!!! Attached are pics his body is about 2-2 1/2 in across

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ok I had NO IDEA they got that big holy cow!!!!! I have clowns, tangs, firefish, and chromis.... was thinking of adding a Manderin should I keep him in the tank or put him down and let him clean up my sump

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I pulled it out of the container and took pics of it in a bag maybe these are better and more helpful thank you everyone!! The last pic is from the top... the crab fits in my hand and could probably pinch me if I didnt have it in the bag....

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in the sump he now is... god he gave me chills... ewww..

well I thought he was a red emerald because of the red claws... Red and green emeralds are all I have added to my tank... so not sure where he came from but man.. he did give me the chills because he was lookin at me like I was supposed to be his lunch lol.... eehhh guess we shall see if he gets any bigger and how he does cleaning my sump... who knows maybe he will be of some good down there... just hope he doesnt eat my darn pods....

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will do.. Ill throw him food... Im sure he would eat silversides..... the last couple fo mornings when the lights come on my fish seem freaked so I am thinking he was terrorizing them..... just glad I got him caught and down by himself where he can live and do some good.... THANK you everyone for the input!!!!!

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looks like a stone crab to me. wonder how he got in there.as far as i know they change color with temp from brown to almost black to light to dark red. i have a friend down in the keys and he runs a stone crab restaurant well thats there specialty anyway.

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oh great lol that tells me how big the stupid thing will get.... geez well lets see what happens I dont know how in the heck he got in there unless it got sent in place of a red emerald crab, that would be my luck!! Im guessing its a meat eater then with the pointed claws correct??

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If i remember right they are more of an opportunistic feeder they like fish and fish larva but will eat plants too. maybe he will keep the cheato nice and groomed in the fuge? but yea they will eat meat most the time. dead stuff prolly be a better bet to get um to eat it. probably be in love with you for feeding him silversides.


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