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Star Fish for small tank - 29 gallon


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Which starfish would ya'll recommend for a small tank (29 gallon)? I am interested in adding one to my mixed reef tank. I have a ocellaris clown, yellow clown goby, leopard wrasse, emerald crab, blue legged crabs, cleaner shrimp, mixed variety of small snails.

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I had a black brittle star in my 12gal for a while (moved him to my 55 to augment the CUC).. didn't see much of him since he lived under the rock, but it was very cool to see his arms reach out and grab food whenever I'd feed the fish.

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I have a red knobby star in both my 29g and 90g, they're super hardy. I loved my marble linkia but it eventually passed. I have a sand sifting star that is a great part of my cleanup crew, but not what you want if you're looking to enjoy seeing him out and about in the tank. Finally I have a serpent star who is very cool and a great scavenger. My wife hates him though.

The blue linkia can be very hard to keep even if you acclimate slowly. I wouldn't make it be my first star...

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I dont know what luck other people have had putting them together but one of my emrald crabs led to the death of my choclate chip, he ate most of his body, I saw it on youre stocking list and figured I would caution you

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