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Port A information, please


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I'm heading to Port A next week with the family. Can any of you guys provide any insider info? I plan on hitting the TX St. Aquarium. I could use some input on where to find these rock anems and pepps I hear you mention on here, as well as any other activities or places that would be of interest to us 'reefers'. I'd also like to get some shore fishing in and wondered if anyone had a favorite spot or place to rent the gear.

Good thoughts for the tank while I'm away, please... I haven't said anything out loud around the tank so it might not know I'm leaving and I'd like to leave it that way!

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Hit the jetties on the north end of the island.

It's a rough hike of about 1/2 mile I think. Take headlights so your hands are free, although a flashlight will be good for walking back. Wear shoes appropriate to walking over boulders, ie no flip flops. If you go during the day you can probably get the nems without issue, but the shrimps will be better at night I think.

To get the nems you'll have to crawl down in there and get wet.

Check the seaweed, assumming it's still coming in, for fish/crabs etc.

Two other things highly recommended;

sunscreen, and lots of it. Frequently.

Don't leave the bucket in the back of the truck for the trip back home. Unless you want fish stew.

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Find a net that can catch shrimp and has a long handle. Go almost all the way to the end of the jetti. Look between the boulders where the water is (at night) and you should have no problems seeing the beady red eyes of the peps. Take you're net, put it as far down under the peps as you can and bring the net up along the rock. Even if you don't see anything but seaweed on the rock, chances are you will net some peps you couldn't see. You are also going to catch blennies, Sgt. Major damsels, anglers, and maybe even a file fish. Just make sure you have a current Texas saltwater fishing license.

If you have time, make sure you hit St. Jo's Island. Beautiful beaches including sandollars and awsome shells. Nice blue crabs out there so watch your feet. There are no bathrooms on the island, no stores either. Nothing but a small jetty and a small boat dock for the ferry. You can only walk on the island so keep that in mind if you go. No roads, no cars, etc. Nice place to fish too.

If you want to know anything else, just let me know. Have a great time.


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Great info Chad. Thanks. I checked out St. Jos isle and we are definitely making time for that. Probably an entire day. I just finished reading Treasure Island with my kids so that will be perfect! My youngest collects shells, rocks, and fossils EVERYWHERE we go - a young paleontologist... We may sink the ferry on the way back with all his finds.

Saltwater stamp... Done... Do you have a recommendation for renting fishing gear or are they all the same? We'll just need some rigs for casting in the surf.

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I'd take JimD up on his offer. We took our regular rods with us and did fine. My son caught some kinda cool looking fish on St. Jo's Island (see the Port A thread) that he had a great fight with on that light tackle. He had a blast. The place where you catch the ferry sells the weights and hooks as well as bait you need. Y'all will have a blast. My son is a rock hound too with his sister following close behind. To say the least, we brought back a TON of shells, including sand dollars. I still want to go to the other side of St. Jo's. Way too far for most folks to walk. Bet that area is awsome.

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We left early this morning and are heading to Jos Island in the morning. We brought a few regular reels, but will probably need to rent some decent surf rigs. Thanks for the offer, but I didn't check this thread before leaving... The tide is coming in now and starts again tomorrow eve, so we'll probably wait till then. Our plan is to try to hike to the far side of the isle since the ladies are staying at the condo. I'll let you know if we make it. Thanks again for the info.

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