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School of Yellow Tangs


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Is it possible to keep multiple yellow tangs? I just setup a 185 gallon tang and am thinking that three yellow tangs would look great. I have a yellow eye kole tang and a sail fin tang. I think those would be the only possible compatibility problems.

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To answer your question yes it is possible. The established tangs will probably beat the new yellow tangs around for a week or so. Adding them all at once will help to spread the aggression though. My kole tang wasnt very aggressive but I would suspect your sailfin will be the bully at first.

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I ran 4 Yellow Tangs and a Clown Tang in my 180. It worked out ok. The aggression was spread out a lot. But in the end I didn't get the school effect just lots of yellow in the tank. Each tang had its own territory. I hope it works out better for you.

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I can't even keep one yellow in my tank, to mean.

I saw a tank at sea world in FL where they had schools of poweder blues, maybe 100 or more total in a several thousand gallon tank. Not that any of us have a tank that big, I just thought is was cool. There was one powder brown and one purple tang cruising around with them.

I tried to attach a video clip but the file was to large.

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Probably. It's going to depend on the temperment of the individuals to a degree. One of my tanks has a huge old sailfin that tries to chase people away if they get up close to it's tank. I've also seen Zebrasoma sp. decide after years together not to cohabitat.

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Luckily, your tank was truly just set up, so the existing tangs aren't established and already territorial and dominant. The first month or two of the tank being set-up (as this was a transition from the 90 into the 185, right? Not just a fresh start on a 185 with all brand new liverock?) is your prime opportunity to add the new tangs into the mix. If you're wanting to add a handful of one kind, you definitely wanna drop them in all at once. The longer you wait between adding tangs, the less warm their welcome will be :doh:

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